Year: 2014

The Olympians is a series based on Greek mythology that is captivating, and, more importantly for mythology fans, historically accurate. O’Connor tackles each god in succession in his series, which starts with, of course, Zeus, Athena, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. The newest addition to O’Connor’s Olympians series is Aphrodite: Goddess of Love.

And then there’s potty training. It’s a world unto itself, with special videos, portable potties, stickers, colorful underwear, and, of course, books. But the pay-off is huge: a diaper-free existence. We’re big readers in our household, so why not read about it, too?

I just love that Earth Day is in spring! It makes perfect sense to capture everyone’s attention when they are ready to get back into the great outdoors after winter. Below you’ll discover just a couple of the books that have caught my attention because of their appreciation of gardens, plants, and even weeds.

Maureen Grenier is a free-lance writer, editor and researcher, which gives her the time to write mystery stories. She has finished several and finalized three—two mystery books for children, which she also illustrated, and a murder mystery for adults. With plenty more to come from Grenier, we know you’ll enjoy getting to know her in this interview about her “Viking Club Mystery” series.