The Children's Book Review

Listified! Britannica’s 300 Lists That Will Blow Your Mind | Book Review

Book Review of Listified! Britannica’s 300 Lists That Will Blow Your Mind
The Children’s Book Review

Listified! Britannica’s 300 Lists That Will Blow Your Mind: Book Cover

Listified! Britannica’s 300 Lists That Will Blow Your Mind

Written by Andrew Pettie

Illustrated by Andrés Lozano

Ages 5+ | 416 Pages

Publisher: Britannica Books | ISBN: 9781912920754

What to Expect: Facts, history, science, lists

What’s the best way to tackle a new subject? With a list, of course! Like the world-renowned Encyclopedia Britannica, these kid-friendly Britannica offerings are filled to bursting with expert and authoritative information on just about everything. Here are just a few of the lists you’ll find listed in this massive book of lists: a list of common types of clouds, a list of the six fastest-growing plants, a list of eight dinosaur theories that turned out to be wrong, a list of the ten animals that can go the longest without food, a list of the average amounts of time humans spend doing everyday activities, and a list of twenty-four different shapes of pasta.

Covering everything from volcanos and bicycles to robots and insects, this master compendium of lists has fun facts on just about every topic you can think of. Not sure where to start? Try the “List to Get Us Started” at the beginning, or the “List of Things You Might Want to Look Up” at the end!

Listified! is a beautiful volume with a glossy hardback cover and full-color illustrations that combine high-definition photography and cartoon imagery that extends even to the table of contents, index, and endpapers. At the same time, like any good reference book, it contains an extensive glossary, index, reference list, and even footnotes, making it an excellent introduction to reference book navigation and formatting. Most importantly of all, however, this volume is absolutely fascinating. One fact leads to another, one list leads to another, and readers are sure to spend hours longer than they meant to, soaking up the fascinating facts.

Listified! is a fantastic home, library, or classroom book.

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About the Creators

Andrew Pettie is a writer, editor, and journalist who has contributed to The Times of London, The Sunday Times, and The Daily Telegraph, where he was Head of Culture. Andrew has also been a contributory writer for reference works by Encyclopaedia Britannica and a history of Massachusetts for schools from What on Earth Books. He studied at St Peter’s College, Oxford University.

Britannica Group is a global education leader with over 250 years of dedication to seeking out facts and providing insight into the mysteries of the universe. Its beloved Encyclopaedia Britannica is the world’s oldest English-language general encyclopedia, first published in 1768 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Today, Britannica continues to create innovative and engaging learning experiences through books, digital content, and educational tools. Over three thousand expert contributors have helped make Britannica what it is today, including former U.S. presidents, professional athletes, Nobel laureates, and Pulitzer Prize winners. Britannica’s mission to inspire curiosity and the joy of learning helps build the world’s future thinkers and innovators. They are based in Chicago, Illinois.

Andrés Lozano is a Madrid-born and London-based artist. He divides his time between illustration and painting. As an illustrator, he has worked for many international clients, including The New York Times, Google, Virgin Atlantic, and McSweeney’s. His work has been shown in exhibitions in Beirut, Los Angeles, New York, London, Madrid, and Brisbane. He has also co-authored several picture books originally published in the UK and the United States and now translated into more than 10 languages.

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Dr. Jen Harrison reviewed Listified! Britannica’s 300 Lists That Will Blow Your Mind. Discover more books like Listified! by reading our reviews and articles tagged with Fact Books, History, Non-Fiction, and Science.

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