The Children's Book Review

Lorenda Cunti, Author of To Burp or Not to Burp | Selfie and a Shelfie

The Children’s Book Review | January 7, 2016

Lorenda Cunti’s Selfie with To Burb or Not to Burp

I am at the local book store with my kids, 5 and 8 and we set up the timer on the camera phone. They are super proud of me and feel they are quite ‘famous’ as well as their names are  in my dedication.

Loredana Cunti Selfie

Lorenda Cunti’s Shelfie

This is my secret book case where my kids can’t reach up to and don’t put all of their own papers and books. It blends my love of food books given that I am a pastry chef and lover of all things to eat, my favourite references on story telling in film, international language books including many Italian ones which are part of my heritage. In no particular arrangement, which may say something about me, also included are things I strive for – A mix of how to be a good parent, how to write a screenplay, how to run a marathon, and how to raise chickens. I tend to lend out or give away books I love so I can share them but here I keep the ultimate  cool space books which I don’t dare give away and my favourite novels which have stayed fresh in my mind forever. I also keep a few of my own books on hand for that last minute playdate gift. 



To Burp Or Not To Burp: A Guide To Your Body In Space

Written by Dr. Dave Williams and Loredana Cunti

Illustrated by Theo Krynauw

Publisher’s Synopsis: Of all the questions astronauts are asked by kids, the most frequent one is “How do you go to the toilet in space?”
This book not only answers that question, but many others about the effect of zero gravity on the human body:

How do you brush your hair in space? What happens when you sweat? What does food taste like? The best thing is that the answers are provided by Dr. Dave Williams, a NASA astronaut who speaks from first-hand experience. Written for kids ages 7 to 10, this book uses age-appropriate language to explain the different phenomena that astronauts encounter during a mission. The bright, colorful pages, short blocks of text accompanied by photos and humorous illustrations make this a very attractive choice for young readers. The opening message from Dr. Dave empowers kids to follow his example by believing in themselves and following their dreams.

Ages7-10 | Publisher: Annick Press | 2016 | ISBN-13: 978-1554518531

Available Here: 

About Lorenda Cunti

LOREDANA CUNTI is a writer and producer of children’s entertainment. A mother of two, she lives in Toronto developing ideas for food, family, and fiction. 

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