Site icon The Children's Book Review

Positive Thinking

By Luisa LaFleur, The Children’s Book Review
Published: March 15, 2010

Pretty Peace

by Kevin O’Donnell

Reading level: Four to eight year-olds

E-book: 40 pages

Publisher: My Legacy Press (2010)

Source of book: author

What to expect: Animated figures discussing the power of positive thinking

Pretty Peace, an interactive children’s book, gives children an easy way to begin exploring the possibilities inherent in positive visualization. While teaching little ones to sit still long enough to really mediate may be difficult, author Kevin O’Donnell has found a neat way to get kids to start the process via his e-book. An adorable animated figure tells little ones to find a comfortable spot, think of people you love, think of your perfect place and imagine all the little details that make that place perfect. The next step is imagining the good things that children want to happen to them. All your child needs is to be able to handle a mouse to ‘turn’ the e-book’s pages, the rest is self-explanatory. I tried it with my little ones and they enjoyed the animation and music, though they might need to be a little older to really understand the message–they’re just 2 and 4. That said, I enjoyed the refresher on thinking about the future and what I want out of it.

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