The Children's Book Review

The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids | Book Review

Book Review of The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids
The Children’s Book Review

The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids: Book Cover

The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids

Written by Liz Lee Heinecke

Illustrated by Kelly Anne Delton

Ages 7-11 | 128 Pages

Publisher: Quarry Books | ISBN-13: 978-1631598326

What to Expect: Science, History, Interactive, Nature

Blending the history of science with interactive explorations of the scientific method, The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids is fun, engaging, and well-organized to balance fact learning with experimental discovery.

How hard is it to follow in the footsteps of a great scientist? Not hard at all, if you’re willing to get hands-on! Using stuff mostly found around the average home, you can make eggs float on water like Charles Darwin, create your own neural network like Santiago Ramón y Cajal, identify, press, and label plant parts like Ynés Mexia, move water in and out of cells like Ernest Everett or even grow your own microbes like Louis Pasteur. As these fun and simple experiments prove, the best way to learn about how the natural world works is to test it out for yourself!

The content is organized around famous biologists throughout history, and the inclusive round-up demonstrates the diversity and richness of STEM work, celebrating contributions from scientists of many different races, genders, nationalities, and backgrounds. Associated with each famous name is a hands-on experiment that readers can try to follow in the footsteps of that scientist. With a range of activities, the experiments have something for everyone, varying in terms of the materials needed, the skills practiced (from analytical to creative), and the level of ability. Safety hints and tips for each activity keep discovery under control, and a glossary and list of references offer readers opportunities for further research and learning.

Overall, The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids is an accessible and engaging introduction to biology for young scientists.

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About the Author

Liz Lee Heinecke has loved science since she was old enough to inspect her first butterfly. After working in molecular biology research for ten years and getting her master’s degree, Liz left the lab to kick off a new chapter in her life as a stay-at-home mom. Soon she found herself sharing her love of science with her three kids as they grew, journaling their science adventures on her educational KitchenPantryScientist platform.

About the Illustrator

Kelly Anne Dalton is an artist, illustrator, and storyteller living in the wild mountains of Montana. Her elegant and enchanting work can be found on everything from board books to middle-grade novel covers, home decor and gift products, and stationery lines. When not drawing, daydreaming, and creating new stories and characters, Kelly Anne can be found trail running in the forests near her home.

The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids by Liz Lee Heinecke was reviewed by Dr. Jen Harrison. Discover more books like The Kitchen Pantry Scientist: Biology for Kids by following along with our reviews and articles tagged with science, biology, history, experiments, interactive, and nature.

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