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The Pillow Fairy, by Marcia Gale Riley | Press Release

The Children’s Book Review | January 17, 2015

Author Showcase

“The Pillow Fairy will come if you go to sleep and wake up in your own bed all by yourself.” This is the mantra which is repeated throughout Marcia Gale Riley’s beautiful children’s picture book The Pillow Fairy. Parents who struggle with the challenging and complicated issue of having their child sleep alone in his/her own bed will have found not only a magical and memorable solution to their problem, but also a much-loved book begged to be read over-and-over again by their little one.

The story is based on Riley’s actual solution to her children’s sleep issues. Three-year old Matt doesn’t want to sleep alone, and suddenly the Pillow Fairy pays a visit and the painful and stressful situation is solved. Riley has the Pillow Fairy depicted as a shining light which enables all families worldwide to share in this magical experience. The parent can describe the Pillow Fairy in any color, shape, or form he/she wishes, and the child’s imagination can run wild. Small gifts, notes(the one in the book is an actual note left by the Pillow Fairy) are left by the Pillow Fairy, and the sleep issue is solved without the child even realizing it. Riley also masterfully creates a way for the fairy and child to transition away from each other in an easy and painless manner.

The Pillow Fairy is not only a fun story with a familiar problem, but it’s also a testament to creative parenting. Riley used the Pillow Fairy to help with other trying issues as well. When their beloved dog Gypsy died suddenly, everyone in the family was devastated. Young three-year old Matt seemed stoic compared to his older brother Justin. The next morning, Matt came to his parents in tears. He had put a book titled Puppies under his pillow for the Pillow Fairy to take to Gypsy in Heaven, and the Pillow Fairy hadn’t taken it to her. Matt had been sleeping in his own bed at that time, so there had been no recent visits from the fairy. Riley’s quick-thinking response was, “Matt, the book was too heavy for The Pillow Fairy to take to Gypsy. She has to get all of her Pillow Fairy buddies to help her take carry it to Heaven.” Matt was satisfied, and the book magically disappeared and was delivered to Gypsy the next morning.

In short, very rarely do you come across a children’s picture book which strikes you as one which is a classic-one to pass down to your children’s children. Marcia G. Riley’s The Pillow Fairy is just such a book. With its charming, magical story and the beautiful illustrations of Joni E. Patterson, this book is one which will be read for generations.

Both hard cover and soft cover copies are available. Books can be purchased online at Soft cover purchases can also be made on all Amazon channels worldwide. Actual testimonies and other information is also available on the website.

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