Browsing: Book Lists

Teaching children to be compassionate—to understand someone else’s suffering and to try and alleviate that suffering—is not easy. Here are a few books that can help impart the message that being kind to one another is essential and that the golden rule is paramount.

As the London 2012 Olympics come to a close, you may be looking for a way to fill the void which was recently filled with hours-on-end of summer sports. The following books may be just what you’re looking for; they offer samplings of ancient and early modern Olympics, gymnastics and some good, old-fashioned exploration of London.

On the first day of summer vacation when I was twelve years old, I got on my bicycle, rode three miles down the street through a tunnel of new leaves, emerged into lemon-colored sunshine in the middle of town, racked my bike, opened the front door of the library to release its peppery aroma into the juicy green afternoon, and saw a book with a fantastic cover awaiting me on the nearest wooden table: M.C. Higgins The Great.