The Children's Book Review

Mr. Fox and the Land Below by Studio Mymu – Review

Illustration copyright © 2012 by Studio Mymu

Dedicated Review

Bianca SchulzeThe Children’s Book Review
Published: October 15, 2012

Mr. Fox and the Land Below

By Studio Mymu

Reading level: Ages 4-8

iBook: 18 pages

Publisher: Siu Lon Liu (June 10, 2012)

What to expect: Friendship, Teamwork, Environmental Awareness

Studio Mymu’s first iBook offering is a modern cautionary tale that raises environmental awareness through the use of enigmatic digital illustrations and an unlikely but fascinating cast of characters—animals, people, mythical creatures, and robots.

When dominating robots that represent heavy industry and pollution challenge Earth, Mr. Fox, whose mere presence represents nature, seeks help below ground in the enchanted and untouched Land Below. At first glance, in all of its visual nostalgic glory, this story represents mystery and adventure. At second glance, this story offers a deeper and rich theme of friendship that illuminates the possibilities that teamwork can create and the importance of protecting the environment for generations to come. Each different character has been designed to strategically represent an aspect of life, Earth and our surroundings. Through the use of every digital paintbrush stroke and the colorful yet soft glowing hues, a cinematic effect has been created and it draws readers into the mythical and fantastical world beneath the earth’s surface—deep down below the earth’s crust to the enlightened and detailed Land Below. The Land Below works as both an escape and an answer. The eye-catching, alluring artwork purposefully combines a magical and traditional Ukiyo-e style of Japanese painting with edgy and modern graphics.

Art and Paint
Illustration copyright © 2012 by Studio Mymu

As the text works around the imagery, young readers (Ages 4-8) are taken on a journey from one world to another. Studio Mymu’s stylistic work is admirable. Mr. Fox and the Land Below can be viewed using iBooks 2 or later on an iPad with iOS 5 or later.

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Dedicated Reviews allow authors and illustrators to gain prompt visibility for their works. The publisher of this iBook paid for this non-biased review. Learn more …

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