Dedicated Book Reviews

Dedicated Review Submission Guidelines

Are you looking to gain more exposure for your book? Consider investing in our professional book review service.

By obtaining an honest and unbiased review, you have the potential to attract more readers and increase your book’s success. Don’t be afraid to invest in your success and take the first step towards gaining recognition for your hard work.

With the help of a professional book review from industry authorities and influencers, such as The Children’s Book Review‘s team of contributors, you can gain valuable feedback and insights to improve your writing and connect with your target audience. As discussed in our article The Art of Getting Your Children’s Book Reviewed, authentic reviews from influential reviewers can be worth their weight in gold. Not only can they be used to aid sales, but they can also help improve your writing.

Once you have a book review, be sure to pull excerpts from your review to include in all your marketing materials. Put a blurb on your cover (if you haven’t already gone to print), add it to your website, share it via social media, and use it to pitch your book to more reviewers! Remember, investing in yourself and your passion is the key to achieving your goals. Keep writing and never give up on your dreams!

The Dedicated Book Review Service

The Dedicated Review program guarantees you a review with a minimum word count of 200 words. Dedicated Reviews are published, with your permission, and archived in TCBR’s Author Showcase category. Dedicated Reviews are also considered, at the discretion of TCBR’s editors, for archiving in additional categories, as well as for inclusion in the TCBR newsletter.

Benefits you might see from a Dedicated Review published on TCBR:

  • A positive write-up by a trusted source with a large following.
  • An investment that provides value beyond the review:
    • A review published online makes the book and author searchable on the Web.
    • Book reviews provide marketing content and social proof.
  • Our reviews are evergreen content, which means they remain published on TCBR for the life of our site or until the book is no longer in print.
  • Possible book sales.
  • Possible increase in the author or illustrator’s website traffic.
  • Possible increase in Amazon rankings.

Ready. Set. Go:

  1. Once you have completed the contact form below, TCBR will contact you within three business days to confirm availability.
  2. Payment will be invoiced to the email address you provide—we accept credit card payments. Upon request, you’ll send a copy of your work (print book or e-book) or product. Submitted materials can not be returned.
  3. A professional review will be written (200+ words) based on the Dedicated Review policy in the timeframe allocated by your selected service option.

I was given a PR list through Createspace and told to try and contact people and ask for reviews. I tackled it with dedicated gusto and wrote to each of the twelve hundred names listed. Most didn’t reply, a few nice reviews popped up on the web, but I must admit I hit the motherlode when I was accepted by The Children’s Book Review. If you haven’t guessed, I am a new author and still rather fragile. The Children’s Book Review did a wonderful, personal interview of ME and reviewed my book. I stared in wonder at my picture along side serious writers, people who did this for a living. The encouraging review gave me the motivation to write another book, and then another. The Children’s Book Review has reviewed each of my books with candor and perception, building my confidence as well as gently guiding me to write clearer and better. They may say it takes a village to grow a child. I think it takes a dedicated review to grow a writer.

We have enlisted The Children’s Book Review for dedicated reviews on several of our titles and couldn’t be more pleased with the results. Of course, we’re happy that the reviews have all been very positive, but regardless, we know that they are comprehensive, fair, and thoughtful in their approach. It really is a great value. As part of their study, they always provide a thorough book summary, that masterfully speaks to the heart of a work – we’ve been impressed with the way our books have been summed up, in a way that can only be accomplished by reading a book cover-to-cover and really letting it in. We’ll use them again and recommend their Dedicated Review service without hesitation.

Order a Dedicated Review Here

We can’t wait to read and review your book! Got questions? Ask away.

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