The Children's Book Review

What’s at the End of Your Nose?, by Becky Benishek | Dedicated Review

Review sponsored* by Becky Benishek
The Children’s Book Review | December 21, 2017

What’s at the End of Your Nose?

Written by Becky Benishek

Age Range: Early readers

Hardcover: 21 pages

Publisher: Amazon

ISBN: 978-1541290167

What to expect: Nature, simple pleasures, mindfulness

In What’s at the End of Your Nose?, author Becky Benishek brings to life the simple adventures of a curious snail. In doing so, she cleverly details the extraordinary pleasures that can be found in one’s everyday surroundings.

Young Sidney Snail is bored. He longs for adventures and new sights. One day, as he is sitting around glumly contemplating his neighborhood, he sees Old Samuel Snail. Old Samuel understands that Sidney is bored, but he asks him to look around before setting off for unknown places.

“You can leave any old time. But it’s always wise to find out what’s at the end of your nose first.”


Sidney Snail agrees and climbs onto a leaf to drift down the river one last time. At first, he doesn’t expect to find anything new or interesting. But as he drifts, he comes across all sorts of things he hadn’t realized were waiting to be found. He makes new friends, comes to the aid of a struggling snail and even discovers a little bit about himself. By the time he returns, he has discovered that there is plenty to see and do in his little corner of the world.

Readers will be delighted by Sidney’s appreciation of the small things that he finds. What’s at the End of Your Nose? is a perfect story to read aloud to even the youngest readers. It is a great starting point to spark discussion about one’s environment and finding magic in the ordinary.

Available Here:

About the Author


Becky Benishek

Becky Benishek studied English and Environmental Science at Lawrence University in Wisconsin, and always hoped to turn her lifelong loves of writing and animals into something wonderful.

Becky writes children’s books, adult fiction, and poetry, and occasionally tries her hand at songwriting. One day she intends to go through all the napkins, envelopes, and notebooks full of ideas, starts, middles, and finishes into actual books.
Becky manages several online communities and helps connect people with the resources they need to help individuals with special needs. She lives with her husband, Dave, and assorted guinea pigs. | Facebook | Amazon

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