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A Rat’s Tale: The Adventures of Wilhelm, by Maria Ritter | Dedicated Review


Review sponsored* by Maria Ritter
The Children’s Book Review | September 14, 2018

A Rat’s Tale: The Adventures of Wilhelm

Written by Maria Ritter

Illustrated by Teri Rider

Paperback: 310 pages

Age Range: 7-12 years

Publisher: Partner Press (2018)

ISBN: 978-1-944098-04-9

What to expect: Talking animals, adventures, hardships and homecoming

In A Rat’s Tale: The Adventures of Wilhelm, readers are introduced to a young rat who embarks on a daring adventure to learn more about the world around him. The opening paragraphs of the story draw readers in with their promise of a tale that is as unexpected as it is riveting.

“[This] is Wilhelm’s tale. His story invites you to come along on his journey full of discoveries, challenging adventures, and joyful homecoming.”

Wilhelm decides he wants to travel the world and one morning he tells his family that he is headed off to find adventure. Although they are all sad to see him go, his family understands his wishes and they see him off with warm goodbyes and the promise that he will return to tell them about all the new places he will have visited and the new friends he will have made.

Before he knows it, Wilhelm is on a plane flying to China. He meets a Chinese rat who offers to show him around and he finds himself smack in the middle of a New Year’s parade. Because this particular year is the Year of the Rat, Wilhelm is overwhelmed at the respect and reverence paid to the Rat King during the New Year celebrations. He learns about Chinese culture, food and New Year traditions.

Wilhelm gets himself into a series of tricky situations that bring him to other corners of the globe. At each turn, he marvels at the ingenuity of his fellow rats and the ability they have to persevere and make the best of any situation. After winding around Europe, he ends up in Rome, at an audience with the Pope. This unexpected twist brings Wilhelm to a place of peace before he returns home to his family.

This imaginative novel will appeal to young readers, ages 7-12, with an affinity for clever animals and world cultures.

Available Here

About the Author

Maria Ritter is a clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst in La Jolla, California. She is the author of Return to Dresden (2004), an autobiographical reflection on her childhood in Germany during and after World War II. It is a healing memoir that confronts national guilt for the Nazi past and weaves the broken pieces of loss and grief into a healing tapestry.

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