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BEING YOU! Daily Mindfulness For Kids, by Tracy Bryan | Dedicated Review

Review sponsored* by Tracy Bryan
The Children’s Book Review | October 10, 2015

BEING YOU! Daily Mindfulness For Kids

Written by Tracy Bryan

Age Range: 8 and up

Paperback: 90 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

ISBN: 978-1517151089

What to expect: Mental Health, Meditation, Mindfulness, Stress-relief

BEING YOU! Daily Mindfulness For Kids is an interesting exploration of children’s mental health. Everyone knows that adults lead stressful lives, but in today’s fast-paced world children are increasingly being subjected to more stress in their lives. Everything from school and grades, pressure to achieve in sports and activities, and plain old bullying can raise kids’ stress levels. Who doesn’t remember what it’s like to dread the lunchroom?

Author Tracy Bryan brings mindfulness, or the concept of being mindful about things in one’s life and surroundings, to kids. It’s a common theme in many adult meditation and mindfulness practices, such as John Kabat-Zinn’s best-selling mindfulness book, Wherever You Go, There You Are. Bryan simplifies the concepts and successfully relates them to children’s daily lives through a series of guided meditation exercises.

The reality is that today’s children are under more pressure than ever before – between higher academic expectations and the constant barrage of social media and maintaining a perfect presence at all times, many children can find it hard to calm down and relax. With guided meditation, they might find some relief. For example, before bed readers are instructed to clear their minds of thoughts that are troubling from the day, breathe deeply, and then focus (mindfully) on their surroundings. How do your pajamas feel on your skin? Are they warm? Cool? Such guided exercises can teach kids how to handle stressful days and situations. The book includes an entire day’s worth of mindfulness exercises, from morning until night.

Overall, I found the book to be an excellent resource for children. It teaches how to respond to situations instead of simply reacting (usually poorly), how to process thoughts and feelings, and how to actively relax and destress. Even relatively relaxed children can find the techniques to be useful. Parents are encouraged to read the book as well in order to help their children in the guided exercises. Everyone could benefit from more mindfulness and awareness in their daily lives, and this book is a great start. The author also notes quoted and researched source materials, so that readers can find out more.

Recommended for over-stressed kids and parents, and any kid who just wants to learn how to relax and be mindful more effectively.

Add this book to your collection: BEING YOU! Daily Mindfulness For Kids

Available Here: 

About the Author

Tracy Bryan is a self-published author for kids aged 2-11. She writes whimsical picture books about emotions, self-esteem, values and mindfulness. Tracy also likes to tackle social issues and speak directly to her readers about important topics that affect everyone. Please visit Tracy’s website

Dedicated Reviews allow authors and illustrators to gain prompt visibility for their work. The author of “BEING YOU! Daily Mindfulness For Kids,” Tracy Bryan, sponsored* this non-biased review. Learn more about getting a book review …

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