Emma is a warm, relatable character who shares an intimate picture of small-town life and involvement in a cause bigger than herself.
Browsing: Art
Written from the convincing point of view of a ten-year-old girl’s perspective, August or Forever takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of a little sister.
Mona Lisa in New York is a beautifully written and illustrated book that literally brings art—and New York City—to life in children’s hands!
An interview with Shaun TanThe Children’s Book Review Shaun Tan is a highly-acclaimed artist, writer, and filmmaker who has received…
Elephants are Not Artists is a story about what art is and what it means to be artistic. It is also a story about believing in yourself.
This book offers a truly sophisticated and inviting discussion of art, making seeing art within galleries and museums into a fuller, more fun experience.
An excellent, fun, and engaging book to give to kids that will open up many, many hours of fun and creativity.
Children will love learning about Sophie Taeuber-Arp, and they will engage deeply with what they have learned by completing creative activities.
A list of thought-provoking picture books curated by Beth Anderson to inspire experimentation, tinkering, and creating. Curated by author Beth Anderson.
Everything about Simone LaFray and the Red Wolves of London has been created with care, and readers will be ravenous for the next Simone LaFray mystery.