By Paige Agnew, for The Children’s Book Review
Published: February 23, 2010
Book Synopsis
Life is funny sometimes. Little kids drop ice cream cones, people in general often run in to screen doors, there’s even the occasional moment when one might trip going up the stairs. Kahlen could expect those things, deal with them even. But what she didn’t expect, not even in her wildest, horrific nightmares, that just as something so terrible could happen, something so wonderful could follow after it.
When Kahlen Thomas has a difficult time dealing with the loss of her best and only friend, she has hopes that the new boy at school, Kennley Morgan, will be the perfect distraction from her pain. She slowly realizes that Kennley doesn’t as much distract her from her problems as much as he adds to them because of his own interesting past.
About the Book
Starless Sky – Starless Sky is about a girl, Kahlen, who is experiencing the loss of a friend. Kahlen feels alone and lonely, but she also gets tired of people feeling sorry for her and giving her sympathetic looks. Going to Dean’s Creek is the only place she finds solace. Well, at least it WAS the only place until Kennley showed up. Now she can’t even find solace there…or can she?
In the midst of loss, there is life; a sentiment Kahlen was not quick to accept. But in the process of the daily routine of school, dropping grades, frustrated parents, and pain, Kahlen begins to gain insights (the kind that comes from fortune cookies or good friends). Her new found wisdom and the strain of dealing with Kennley and his troubling past lead her to an exciting new phase of life.
Starless Sky is a genuine portrayal of grief and loss, yet comforting and filled with hope and expectation. It is a book of encouragement through following the lives of high schoolers.
Starless Sky:
A Story About Encouragement
Paige Agnew
456 pages
Publication Date: January 2010
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Format: Perfect Bound Softcover(B/W)
Retail price: $15.88 plus taxes
ISBN # 9781425188436
Available at
And other retailers
What Readers Are Saying …
―Starless Sky is very interesting; it reminds me of how we all deal with death of a family
member or a friend. I find that Kahlen has a lot of emotions to deal with and yet tries to
stay focus with here and now.
– B.Whitley, Maryland (Department of Defense)
―I love reading and read Starless Sky in three days. I really liked it, it was really good
and I can hardly wait for her [Paige’s] next book. I liked how Paige is able to change
from one setting to another without losing the meaning of the story or reader’s attention.
It was refreshing to see how Kahlen and Kennley became best friends first, then
boyfriend and girlfriend later, and how he helped her through the process of losing her
best friend.
– M. Freeman, Indiana (High School Sophomore)
―Starless Sky is a must read. Real emotions are captured as a reality of life is explored,
grief and loss. Every therapist should have this book available for adolescents
experiencing loss.
– Michigan (Psychologist)
About the Author

I do not remember when my love for writing started. Perhaps it was all of the journaling expected of me during my formidable elementary school days. Maybe it was back in third grade when I would fill notebooks with stories I’d made up. I remember summer after summer using time in the car to write in my notebooks or to read. In fifth grade my teacher suggested I attend the Young Writers Conference at a local college. I attended it four years in a row and loved it. Then at 15 years old I finished filling a notebook (well, laptop by that time) with the first book I would decide to publish, Starless Sky.
Starless Sky was birthed during the time of my own grief and loss in 8th grade. In 9th grade I began writing. In 10th grade my mom suggested I choose one my stories to publish. By then I was finishing Starless Sky. Finally, in January 2010, Starless Sky became a reality.
I cannot remember a time when I did not love reading or being read to. Someday, I hope to own a home with a library in it because I am going to surround myself with books. My mother has frequently laughed and said if she wanted to ever punish me, she would merely need to take away the privilege of buying more books or confiscate my laptop to prevent me from writing. However, given my mother’s love of reading and owning books, there is no need to give rise to worry.
Further aiding my love of words has been attending theatre productions of Shakespeare and countless other shows. It completely amazes me what can be accomplished with words and it is so much fun learning new words. Yes, I was one of those kids who loved vocabulary. In addition, do you know that the Bible says, ―Death and life are in the power of the tongue‖ (KJV, Proverbs 18:21). I find it so exciting to know I can speak words of life through writing that brings entertainment, escape, or healing to readers. I can write words that make readers cry, laugh, exclaim with excitement, or stay up all night wondering what happens in the end. I can cause readers to learn about a new topic, or remember my generation, or desire to aspire more. It is amazing the power of the tongue (pen). I hope my books will stick with readers as the books I have read have stuck with me; and perhaps, the readers will enjoy my books enough to be lifelong fans and even re-read my books. Yes, I am also one of those who read books I love more than once.
While I am a young author, I recognize the need to continue growing and learning; so, in the fall of 2011, I plan on attending college in pursuit of a Bachelor’s degree in English with a Creative Writing emphasis. Later, I plan to attend the number one university for Master’s degrees in Creative Writing; currently and for a while, that is the University of Iowa. I believe I will continue to focus on YA writing.
Aside from reading and writing, I enjoy football because my brother’s passion for the game rubbed off on me. Now I think I know more about it than him. He would argue this as he plays for a Division IA university; but hey, I am the one coaching from the stands and he is the one playing. That means I think I know more. In addition to coaching…I mean ―watching football, I enjoy singing, playing the piano; dancing (all those years of gymnastic are paying off), participating in church events, and playing with my energetic Yorkie who has the very fitting name Tigger. Today, I feel incredibly blessed to have family, church, and friends who love me and support me in my dreams. Today, I feel additionally blessed to have already acquired a fan base. I hope you will become a fan too. Look for my next book, Seven (published 2010).
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