By Lezlie Evans, for The Children’s Book Review
Published: October 12, 2010
Children’s Book Author and Mother of Six, Demonstrates Unconditional Love In Who Loves the Little Lamb
Ashburn, VA – Lezlie Evans reflects her love of children’s literature, family values and appreciation for different cultures in every book she releases. Whether it is learning phrases in different languages or a family picnic, the nine-time published, award winning children’s book author, and mother of six, portrays the significance of communication in problem solving between parents and their children. Lezlie’s latest title Who Loves the Little Lamb, exemplifies the effects of a mother’s calm reassurance, as she guides her misbehaving little one to better choices.
The Children’s Book Guide states, “Who Loves the Little Lamb will be a favorite for your kids for years to come. It’s the kind of story that your children will ask to hear over and over. The tone and colors of the book will give them a sense of security. This tale of unconditional love will become a classic in your home.”
“I believe mothers will relate to the experiences depicted in the book. I am hopeful that Who Loves the Little Lamb will become a treasured book, and serve as a special reminder of much mother’s love their little ones,” says Lezlie.
Up Close and Personal With Lezlie Evans
How did you get started as a writer?
In college I took a few creative writing courses and really enjoyed them, but it wasn’t until I had children and we’d check out stacks full of children’s books from the library each week that I knew I wanted to write for children. In 1993, I did my homework and started writing every day. It was really a miracle when Houghton Mifflin made me an offer on the second manuscript I sent out.
You are so busy. When do you find time to write?
When my children were young I would snatch every spare minute I could find to write. As soon as they went down for nap, I’d be at the computer or I’d write late into the evenings after they were in bed. Some of my best ideas came to me in the middle of the night or in the early morning hours, so I always kept a writer’s journal by my bedside. Whether I was watching my kids play outside or waiting in a doctor’s office, pen and paper were never far away. You could often find me scribbling something in one of my writer’s journals. I even bought a mini tape recorder so I could record my thoughts and ideas as we drove down the road to their various activities.
What are you favorite books?
I think we have different “favorites” throughout our life. When I was young I loved A WRINKLE IN TIME, WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS, and HARRIET THE SPY. I’m a huge proponent of reading with your children. Sharing books creates strong bonds. My motto is, “Read from the earliest age and at every stage!” THE GIVING TREE and ALL THE PLACES TO LOVE and the ones that make me laugh right out loud like LILIES PURPLE PLASTIC PURSE are some of my favorite picture books. When my kids were teenagers we didn’t stop sharing book titles and having discussions. WALK TWO MOONS and THE GIVER both stand out in my mind. Even now my adult children and I suggest books to each other. I recently read THE HUNGER GAMES and loved it, so I told the rest of my family about it. My son who is a senior in high school ended up doing an English project on it. THE HELP is another book me and my daughter recently enjoyed reading and discussing.
What advice can you give other writers?
Do your homework, hone your craft, present yourself professionally, and find conferences and workshops to attend so you can start making connections. If you have a passion for writing, follow your dream!
The illustrations in your book are so sweet. When writing, did you envision the characters as they eventually came to life drawn by David McPhail?
It is always interesting to see what the illustrator has created to accompany my text. It is usually very different from the pictures in my head, so the first time I see the artwork it can be a bit jarring. I have to tell you I’ve been a fan of David McPhail’s for a very long time–since my grown children were little. So when he signed on to illustrate WHO LOVES THE LITTLE LAMB I was thrilled! And his artwork for this book did not disappoint. It is charming and endearing. Many of the spreads have a magical quality about them—the picture of the little them—the picture of the little porcupine and his Mama walking through the woods together is one of my favorites!
How does the collaboration between author and illustrator look like?
This is one of the great misconceptions when it comes to children’s books. The author rarely has a say in who will illustrate his/her work. The publisher chooses the illustrator. At times I will see the artwork as it is progressing, but most of the time the author and illustrator don’t ever meet or even talk with each other. The editor works as the go between to bring the written word and the artwork together in the collaborative process. So you can imagine how exciting it is to hold a newly printed book in my hands. It is a wondrous thing to see it all come together!
Where can we buy it?
Barnes and Noble,, Politics and Prose Bookstore, or any of your favorite on-line bookstores.
Thanks so much for your great questions and best of luck to your readers.
About Lezlie Evans

Evans is well known for her multi-cultural themed work in children’s books. Evans book, Can you Count Ten Toes is the winner of the prestigious Gold Oppenheim Award. She writes in terms all children can relate to and enjoy reading about. She became a published author with her second book submission, reflecting the rare and raw talent she possesses. Evans is heralded by children’s book review sites, bloggers and journalists, and has had the honor of contributing to many parenting sites regarding children’s literacy interest. Evans is closely connected with programs and organizations advocating literacy for youth throughout the nation.
Please visit for more information on the author.
Contact Carrie Hill at [email protected] or call 757.621.9319 to learn more about Lezlie Evans.
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