Jason Kirschner | The Children’s Book Review | May 19, 2016
Being particular got me published. I’m pretty sure of it.
After all, everything that my main character, Mr. Particular, knows about finicky fusses and persnickety problems, he learned from me. I’m the guy who didn’t like squishy sand and tucked in shirts.
In the years leading up to my first book, I put my pickiness to good use. When prepping for conferences, I was prudent about my portfolio and what went into it. When the time was right, I was picky picky picky about picking an agent. When working on manuscripts I’ve tried to be wary and wise about word choice. And on my book dummies, I was absolutely astute about the art.
The underlying message beneath all of that alliteration is this: you have to be protective of the voice in your head that tells you what your art should be. There’s a reason why the books you make could only be made by you and no one else. I had an idea in my head about what the look and feel of my book should be and I worked really diligently not to stray from that.
Which is not to say that you shouldn’t seek out critiques on your work or take other’s advice. I’m a member of a couple of critique groups that have helped immensely. Along the way I also had comments from my agent and many people at my publisher. I took any and all comments and most were excellent. There were SO many revisions made along the way. I think there were 11 versions of the manuscript alone. And don’t even get me started on art revisions. BUT any time I came across a recommended change that went against my core vision of the book, I became… well…particular. I argued for the things, big or small, that made this book the one I imagined it would be.
That’s what a publisher wants. Unique voices and characters that only you can produce. And in my mind you get there by being particular.
Mr. Particular: The World’s Choosiest Champion
Written and Illustrated by Jason Kirschner
Publisher’s Synopsis: Meet Mr. Particular—the world’s choosiest champion! This superhero’s super picky: he says NO to squishy mud, gross green things, tucked-in shirts, humming, and anything with coconut. But, when his friends in the “Super-Duper Group” finally get fed up with his fussiness, can Mr. Particular prove that even the super-squeamish can save the day? This fun comic-book-style story will delight even the most finicky kids!
Ages 4-12 | Publisher: Sterling Children’s Books | 2016 | ISBN-13: 978-1454918189
Available Here:
About Jason Kirschner

Jason Kirschner is the author and illustrator of Mr. Particular: The World’s Choosiest Champion from Sterling which you can now find on shelves in bookstores everywhere. Get your own copy and see more of Jason’s work at www.jasonkirschner.com .
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