The Children’s Book Review | July 29, 2015
If You Were Me and Lived in … China, If You Were Me and Lived in … Scotland, If You Were Me and Lived in … Greece, If You Were Me and Lived in … Hungary, If You Were Me and Lived in … Peru, If You Were Me and Lived in … Portugal, If You Were Me and Lived in … Russia, If You Were Me and Lived in … Australia, If You Were Me and Lived in … India, If You Were Me and Lived in … Turkey, If You Were Me and Lived in … Kenya, If You Were Me and Lived in … Norway, If You Were Me and Lived in … South Korea, If You Were Me and Lived in … France, and If You Were Me and Lived in … Mexico.
Age Range: 4-8
About If You Were Me and Lived in … China
Carole P. Roman’s award winning series has traveling again and this time it’s to East Asia to visit the People’s Republic of China. In this book, younger readers can learn about the wide variety of climate when they read about China’s vast size. They will begin their journey in China’s ancient capital, Beijing, where they will discover the Imperial Palace of the Forbidden City. Different regions of cuisine are discussed, highlighting the variety of styles and spices of food. Currency, sports, exciting tourist attractions, and a lovely description of the New Year Festivities are included in this introduction the beautiful land of China. Embraced by educators, parents, and children, the series gently and respectfully introduces the subjects of cultures and customs around the world.
“If You Were Me and Lived In … China is an easy read and a fun way to introduce the People’s Republic of China to children.”—The Children’s Book Review
Available Here:

About the Author

Carole P. Roman is the award winning author of the nonfiction If You Were Me and Lived in… series of children’s books. The first title in the collection, If You Were Me and Lived in…Mexico, won the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children’s Nonfiction in 2012. If You Were Me and Lived in…Russia and If You Were Me and Lived in…France were finalists in the Indie Fab Foreword Review Book of the Year. Norway and South Korea have also been named as Book of the Year with Rebecca’s Reads and Children’s Reader’s View Book of the Year. Roman has also found success with her Captain No Beard children’s books. Her debut, Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life, was named a Kirkus Best of 2012, received a Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award in 2012. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and very near her children. | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest
With Carole Roman books!
I dont think ive ever sat down and discussed different cultures i kinda teach as i go let them know how others live differently.
There are many books that are diverse and cross themes with whatever we are studying in class.
I actually have several of these books already they are great for introducing children to other cultures. Other books are great for this as well.
Going to different neighborhoods with different cultures and eating there too.
We read books, look at maps and the globe and talk about the countries, their foods and their languages.
As a librarian, world languages teacher, and father of two, I love this book series. These texts are a great way to introduce younger students to geography.
We read, meeting others, talking, shows, going to the library, arts and crafts
local festivals
Trips to the Library and reading books about different cultures and countries!
They are learning just by being in school, being friends with children of other cultures and Carole Roman books. They are the best out there.
Carol LB8U3
Books, of course. Also maps, food, music, videos, and dolls.
Our local children’s museum has some great exhibits designed to teach kids about other cultures.
I use lots of children’s literature to show my students different cultures.
We read books about different cultures and living in Hawaii, it’s a melting pot of cultures!
We like to do this with books
We like do it through food, books, television, museums etc. But food is the big one.
Reading books is a great way to do this.
Your books are a great resource.