The Children’s Book Review | July 18, 2014
If You Were Me and Lived in … Portugal: An Introduction to Learning About Other Cultures
If You Were Me and Lived in … Russia: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the WorldIf You Were Me and Lived in … Australia: An Introduction to Learning About Other Cultures
If You Were Me and Lived in … India: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
If You Were Me and Lived in … Turkey: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
If You Were Me and Lived in … Kenya: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
If You Were Me and Lived in … Norway: An Introduction to Learning About Other Cultures
If You Were Me and Lived in … South Korea: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
If You Were Me and Lived in … France: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
If You Were Me and Lived in … Mexico: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
Age Range: 4-8
Paperback: 28 pages
About If You Were Me and Lived in … Portugal
Award winning and best selling author Carole P. Roman travels to beautiful Portugal. This pro active book invites children to think about Portugal’s many wonders from the sunny Azores to the wide variety of food. Roman’s If You Were Me books have a simple, winning formula: portray children from other countries and explain how familiar items and customs are the same, and how they differ, in the country being discussed… The appeal of Roman’s If You Were Me series is that this information is not offered in the bland style of an encyclopedia entry, but rather as part of a tour of real life in India…It’s this organic conversational tone that keeps the book interesting and inspires kids’ own curiosity for other cultures.” Peter Dabbene The Foreword Review Join Carole P. Roman as she takes you to explore the friendly country of Portugal!
“This is [an] informative addition to a series that showcases diversity and offers wonderful cultural experiences to children.“—The Children’s Book Review
About the Author

Carole P. Roman is pleased to add Portugal to her growing library of countries. If You Were Me and Lived in…Francewas named as a finalist in Foreword Review’s BOTY. Rebecca’s Read Readers Choice Awards picked Norway and France. Reader’s Views Literary Award 2013 chose South Korea. NABE Pinnacle Award has been given to Mexico, France, and South Korea. Strangers on the High Seas was chosen as Reader’s Views Literary Awards Children’s Book of the Year. She lives in Long Island with her husband.
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I think it is very important to read books about other cultures with your children. This helps them to learn a lot of fun and new things!
My niece and nephew would love these. Their paternal grandparents are from Holland, and have great grandparents from Italy, Germany, and Ireland. It would be so much fun reading these with them.
I think reading books to introduce culture and differences is a wonderful way to answer the questions of my curious kids. My boys love to hear stories and they remember what the book says more than what mom or dad tell them.
Love the series….Little Miss HISTORY loves to travel!
As a retired lower elementary teacher I have seen so many children in my 30 yrs. of teaching who have never been out of their own neighborhood, let alone city./town. These books are so wonderful to show children that there really is another world beyond their home.
My thoughts are the more exposed to different cultures the more understanding the kids will be toward that culture and their ideas.
I love introducing young children to different cultures and historical events and places. These books look wonderful!
This would be great for my daughter to read, learn and enjoy before donating them to her last years kindergarten class!
Reading cultural books to children helps them see how vast the world is, and its many wonders, as well as connecting them to people and things they may otherwise have thought they shared no connection with. So VERY important!!
These are great for elementary school “culture and country” reports!
i think they make them more aware of others and their differences
It’s difficult to find really good children’s books on cultures and other countries. I like to incorporate books in our homeschool studies and this would be great studying world geography.
It is so important to expose children to all kinds of things
We are a bicultural family living in a multicultural state and reading books that make our child mindful about diversity is very important and fun too!
I love all the different cultures introduced in these books. My dad was an immigrant and my grandson is bicultural. so these books would be perfect for us!
I love these books. I wish I could afford to travel with the children. It provides an education they cannot get otherwise. These books also provide that much needed perspective.
I think it is very important to read books about other cultures with students and to have books available for them to choose on their own. This helps them to learn a lot of fun and new things!
Reading about different cultures is very important to show children that although we may come from different countries, sometimes and in somethings, we are the same. I love having various books about culture in my class library. Also, while they are reading about the culture, they are gaining knowledge they may not have had before.
great books
I think it is agreed that I have more books in my classroom than our media center has in theirs for primary and emerging readers. With a diverse population at our school, I want to share an appreciation of all cultures with my little kindergarten students. I want them to grow up knowing that the world is only as big as we allow it to be when we don’t open the windows and doors and let new friends inside. I love sharing tales of other cultures and countries, and love primary nonfiction geography books so my little ones can develop an understanding of where far-away places are and how much we have in common with those who live there.
I loved the If you were me and lived in series of books by Carole P. Roman. The colors used in the illustrations are realistic colors and show off the pictures well. Occasionally the print is over a picture or on a dark colored page, but the print is a good size and reads very clearly. This book, as well as the whole series, is enjoyable and educational at the same time. The book even has a glossary with a pronunciation guide in the back.
Home school parents would love these for their lesson plans, but even more, I can see children reading these with interest without much pressure because they make learning about it’s specific country entertaining.