Author Showcase
By Bianca Schulze, The Children’s Book Review
Published: June 28, 2012

Linda has travelled to Egypt and visited all of the historical sites discussed in her book The Hidden Chamber in the Great Sphinx. She holds a Master’s degree in technical and professional writing from Northeastern University. Her career as a Registered Respiratory Therapist and teacher prevented her from seeking a writing career in the past, however, she has always had an interest in writing and is particularly interested in writing for the juvenile market. She grew up in Plymouth, MA, and now resides in Carver, MA.
Bianca Schulze: From where did you draw the inspiration for your archeological adventure novel The Hidden Chamber in the Great Sphinx? Were you inspired by your trips visiting historical sites in Egypt?

Linda Cadose: I drew my inspiration for the novel from visiting Egypt. Egypt is a lovely and fascinating country. The antiquities left me spellbound.
BS: How much of your travel experience and observations impacted the way you developed the characters?
LC: My travel experiences helped me create Dr. Abdul Saad and his wife Fatima. The other characters were American and I based those characters on people I knew at home. Dr. Cliff Post is based on one of my Boston University professors.
BS: The main character, Dr. Cliff Post, is an archeologist. Which aspect of Dr. Cliff Post’s personality do you think readers will connect with most?
LC: Dr. Cliff Post is an honorable man who protects women and is kind to handicapped children. I think his dignity and humanity are his most appealing characteristics.
BS: Beyond the adventure of your novel, is there a deeper message or purpose that you hope readers will latch onto?
LC: I am hoping that this novel is a fun adventure, which will encourage children, especially boys to read. Boys lag far behind girls in reading.
BS: Which age group do you feel your story resonates with the most?
LC: I think that this novel appeals to the middle grade reader.
BS: What kind of feedback do you receive from the children who read your novel?
LC: The response that I have received thus far from children is positive. Most children tell me that this book is fun.
BS: What can readers expect from your second book, The Underwater Pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle, in this adventure series? And will there be a third?
LC: My second book will be submitted to the publisher this week. It will be a scuba diving adventure on an archeological site. I have already written a synopsis for the third novel.
BS: Which books from your childhood do you have the fondest memories of?
LC: Where the Wild Thing Are was my favorite book.
BS: Which current authors would you consider your greatest influences?
LC: Ray Bradbury and Maurice Sendak
BS: As a parting note, is there anything you would like to share with your readers?
LC: Reading actually has an impact on brain development. I hope to provide my readers with books that are educational as well as entertaining.
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