By Bianca Schulze, The Children’s Book Review
Published: April 25, 2009
by Trout Fishing in America, Stephane Jorisch (illustrator)
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 36 pages
Publisher: Secret Mountain; Har/Com edition (April 25, 2009)
What to expect: Animals, Music
My Name is Chicken Joe is not only a fun and nicely illustrated book, it’s a kids music CD with 11 audio recordings that parents will be happy to play over-and-over again. Trout Fishing in America has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, along with many other awards like Parents Choice Gold and American Library Awards — it will only take listening to one of their songs to understand why. The duo that make up the band are Ezra Idlet and Keith Grimwood, their sound is lighthearted folk. NPR said — “Grimwood and Idlet are the Lennon and McCartney of kids’ music.” I agree, but they could also be tagged as the Dave Matthews Band of kids’ music.
The book covers the story of the first track on the CD, which makes for a fun read-a-long. Chicken Joe is not a chicken as you may believe from the title. He is in fact a cat. The message of this lively tale (and the chorus of the song):
What’s in a name? Call it what
you will but it still won’t change.
Call it anything you want but it’s
still the same. What’s in a name?
At the end of the book the lyrics to the other 10 fabulous songs are included — one song to each double page spread, allowing for the illustrations to breath extra life to the words. This is a great book to allow for an interactive experience. Reading at least one book a day is so important for children, combining a musical element just adds to the fun. The CD alone will certainly be worth every penny you spend — perfect for the playroom and car trips!
Add this book to your collection: My Name is Chicken Joe
Just wanted to make a correction and an addition. The illustrator is Stephane rather than Stephanie, an artist who should be better known than he is. That’s the correction.
The addition is the good news that there is now a second Chicken Joe book by the same talented team: Chicken Joe Forgets Something Important. You can hear some of the 11 original new songs at
The second book is just as much fun as the first, and the CD includes a printable PDF file and a new video!
The correction has been made—thanks so much for letting me know!