The Children’s Book Review | Published: December 18, 2013

Amanda Romine Lynch is a writer and blogger who grew up in Florida. After graduating with her degree in English from the University of Florida (Go Gators!), she and her husband moved to the Great North of Virginia and haven’t looked back (except when it snows).
When she isn’t writing about Anabel and Jared or chasing her children around, she blogs about raising her three beautiful boys and attempting to be friendly toward the environment in a world of disposable diapers over at her blog, The Semi-Organic Mom.
Latest published book …
That would be ANABEL UNRAVELED, which came out in December of 2012. I am currently working on its sequel, which should be out in 2014!
You wrote it because …
I wanted to be a writer from the time I was a little girl, and I had had Anabel’s story kicking around in my head since high school. So one day I decided to sit down and write it.
Favorite place to write …
My bed, on my laptop! You have to be comfortable when you are writing!
Necessary writing/creativity tool …
I need my laptop. I can’t write without it.
Favorite bookshop …
Politics and Prose in DC.
Currently reading …
I am writing, so I am not currently reading any fiction. I can’t do both! When I finish, though, I plan on reading BEHIND THE SHATTERED GLASS by Tasha Alexander. I should have this book wrapped up in the next week or two, so I hope to reread A CHRISTMAS CAROL before December 25.
All-time favorite children’s book you didn’t write …
For younger readers, THE STINKY CHEESE MAN AND OTHER FAIRLY STUPID TALES by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith. For older readers, THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF CHARLOTTE DOYLE by Avi
An author you idol …
Do I have to pick just one? There are so many kind, sweet, and thoughtful authors out there, who truly want to help out fellow writers. Kevin Henkes is one of the nicest men I have ever met. Tasha Alexander is so sweet. But I completely idolize J. K. Rowling: Not only is she incredibly talented, but her generosity and willingness to help out her fellow man is unparalleled.
Favorite illustrator …
Toss up between Susan Jeffers (her art is so beautiful) and David Shannon (gorgeous details combined with whimsy, which always makes me smile).
A literary character to vacation with …
Emma Woodhouse, from Jane Austen’s Emma. I think she and I would get into some hilarious escapades!
More Amanda Lynch …