Browsing: Book News

Here’s the top ten list of kids books and literacy articles that have been trending on The Children’s Book Review. It seems that everyone is getting into the book giving (and winning) spirit. The top two articles are the Dynomike: Magical Space giveaway and one of our lists of awesome Christmas book . . .

This month, The Children’s Book Review’s book trends indicate that you’re all still loving our giveaways—who wouldn’t want to win a Kindleor an iPod nano! Plus, with Thanksgiving right on the horizon, readers have been digging into our list of books for Thanksgiving.

Love is in the air this month. While we continue to have a winter wonderland of books and articles appearing in The Children’s Book Review’s book trends this month; including our list “Kids Winter Books: Snow, Mittens, Polar Bears and Other Arctic Animals,” we also have a list of “Kids Books for Valentine’s Day” trending.