Book giveaway of Travels with Zozo… in the Fjord
The Children’s Book Review
The Travels with Zozo… stories are as unique as the amazing places that Zozo and her family visit!

The second book in the exciting, new series, Travels with Zozo…in the Fjord, takes readers to the Scandinavian country of Norway. With dramatically steep cliffs, immensely deep water, and abundant wildlife, the fjords are an adventurous setting for an action-packed story filled with towel-stealing thieves and free-falling birds.
About the Book

Travels with Zozo…in the Fjord
Written by A.J. Atlas
Illustrated by Anne Zimanski
Ages 4-8 | 32 Pages
Publisher: ImaginOn Books | ISBN-13: 9781954405028
Publisher’s Synopsis: Soar on a Sea Eagle’s Back over the Fun-filled Fjords of Norway!
The second book in the exciting, new series, Travels with Zozo…in the Fjord, takes readers to the Scandinavian country of Norway. With dramatically steep cliffs, immensely deep water, and abundant wildlife, the fjords are an adventurous setting for an action-packed story filled with towel-stealing thieves and free-falling birds.
The action begins after two white-tailed sea eagles surprise Zozo and fly her to a cliffside nest for a playdate with their three babies. There, Zozo sees firsthand the importance of trying to do one’s best when she cheers her new winged friends as they take their first hilarious flights. From their initial, confident leaps out of the nest, followed immediately by the struggling, funny faces of gravity taking hold, the baby bird’s first flights make the fun-filled fjord funnier than ever.
Along the way, Zozo and her friends are joined by whimsically illustrated locals—foxes on bicycles, rappelling red squirrels, cartwheeling skogkatts, racing reindeer, puffins, beavers, and many others. The wildlife adds depth and richness (and laughs!) to the beautiful Northern European landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book.
Finally, Zozo’s adventure ends with her returning to her human family via the world’s longest tunnel, Laerdal Tunnel. It is an eye-opening experience for both Zozo and young readers.
Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the “hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable” pet bunny, Zozo, in this beautifully-illustrated, pint-sized Norwegian travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of actual plants, animals, and landscapes of Norway while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages.
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About the Author
A.J. Atlas is the creator of the Travels with Zozo… illustrated children’s book series. Atlas’ extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Then a zest for adventure travel took Atlas to wildly interesting places in adulthood, and the notebook filled with heart-warming stories blossomed further. Currently, Atlas continues to travel and write new stories while advising on the illustrations and production of the completed books in the series.
About the Illustrator
Anne Zimanski is the illustrator of the Travels with Zozo… children’s book series. Drawing the ever-changing, real-life locations, animals, and action in each book is an opportunity Zimanski wholeheartedly welcomes because it allows her expert skills as a freehand digital artist to broaden. Zimanski enjoys working with fun-loving writer A.J. Atlas. The collaboration brings out their healthy, competitive spirits as each tries to outdo the other in dreaming up one funny idea after the next.
Thank you for entering the Travels with Zozo…in the Fjord book giveaway. Check out our sweepstakes page to see what other free children’s books may be up for grabs!
These books are perfect for my 5 year old grandson Dallas!
I would love them for my grandchildren
these would be fun books! Zay knows what it means to go on vacation she would enjoy these books
my nieces would love these books!
Fun series for the kids!
I have 9 grandchildren that would really enjoy this at my house
Cute bunny rabbit! I love the brightly colored covers!
The kids will enjoy this!
My grandson would love it.
this would be a fun book for zadaya
Lovely set of books.
Cute and fun for the kids!
This looks like an AWESOME book. I would love to win.
It would be fun to learn about Norway – my dad visited there in the past.
These look like adorable books with cute covers.
Would love the share travel with my grandson.
a fun book that will be enjoyed a lot
Looking forward to reading about Zozo’s adventures with my niece!
My grandson would love this book.
great niece would love and enjoy this book
Cute characters the kids will love.
Sounds like there will be beautiful illustrations!
these books would make zay smiel
It will be interesting for my niece and I to learn about places in the world we’ve never been!
Great series!
this would be a happy book to read
A fun way to learn about Norway!
My grandkids would enjoy these books.
zay would enjoy this fun read
Looking forward to sharing this fun book with my niece!
Great set of inspiring books.
this would be fun zay loves to go places and see new things
The cheerful cover brings a smile to my face!
Cute bunnies~
travel is one of zayt favorite thing to do and she would love these books
It would be neat to see all of Zozo’s world adventures!
zay loves anything about travel
Little Free Library!
The books look very charming!
fun book full of adventures
Will be neat to see Zozo’s adventures with the other animals!
traveling is a fun thing that zay loves so these book would be perfect for her
Looking forward to seeing illustrations of skogkatts!!
travel is fun this would be a fun book
Would be fun to read the whole set!
traveling is fun and you learn so much from books
These would be perfect for my grandkids. They love exciting books.
Zozo looks so snuggly!
My niece (and I!) could learn new words!
zay loves to travel so this would be a great book
Love these books!
I think my daughter would love these!
I would love to win this for my grandson because he would enjoy this.
I love children’s books even though I am an adult, especially those starring an animal.
Beautiful books for the grandchildren!
These books look cute.
I would love to win these books for my 18 Month old nephew. Kids should learn to love reading.
I’d love to share this with my nieces. We love books!
Would be nice to see the pretty scenery.
My grandsons would enjoy this.
My grandson would enjoy these books.
traveling is called vacation by zay she would enjoy these