We Can Color: Fun & Facts Coloring Books
The Children’s Book Review
If you like amazing drawings and cool facts and believe it’s important to impart knowledge and broaden your child’s horizons, the We Can Color! series was created especially for you.

About the Books
Publisher’s Synopsis: Who doesn’t love to color beautiful illustrations and learn interesting facts that enrich the mind?
If you also like amazing drawings and cool facts and believe it’s important to impart knowledge and broaden your child’s horizons, the We Can Color! series was created especially for you!
These eleven books cover topics that will interest anyone at any age: Dinosaurs, Vehicles, Aircraft, Space, and Animals from around the world in their natural environment: Farm, Jungle, Ocean, Savannah, Forest, and Desert!
Did you know that the most dangerous animal in the savannah is the hippopotamus? That the oldest koi fish lived to be 226 years old? That some goats can climb trees? And that the terrible T-Rex was not the biggest dinosaurs predator?
How big is the Sun relative to the Earth? What was the first man-made object to reach space? What is the fastest land animal? The tallest? The heaviest?
Did you know that scorpions glow in ultraviolet light? That male seahorses are the ones that get pregnant? That one of the astronauts lost his glove in space? That one of our planets was given its name by a girl in elementary school? And that there is an aircraft that takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane?
Do you know the speed of the fastest truck in the world? Or how much does the heaviest tractor weighs?
What is the price of the world’s most expensive fighter jet? How much does an Air Force One flight hour cost?
What is the most venomous snake in the world? The most venomous jellyfish? The most poisonous frog? And do you know how to distinguish between a mammal and a fish in the ocean? Or how to tell a jaguar from a panther?
Next to each of the 330 full-page illustrations you can color, there are interesting facts: over 1,375 facts throughout the 11 books!
- All the books contain full-page original coloring pages that are not repeated!
- The extra-large pages are 8.5 x 11 inches in size!
- All the illustrations are single-sided to prevent bleed-through and can be torn out and displayed without losing the images on the back!
- All the illustrations and information are suitable for ages 5 and up. Children, teens, and adults will enjoy relaxed moments while coloring and learning fun facts!
The We Can Color – Fun & Facts Coloring Books series includes the following books:
The Great Dinosaurs of the Earth!
Space Technology and Our Solar System!
The Coolest Aircraft in the World!
The Coolest Trucks in the World!
The Coolest Vehicles in the World!
The Great Animals of the Farm!
The Great Animals of the Ocean!
The Great Animals of the Jungle!
The Great Animals of the Savannah!
The Great Animals of the Forest!
The Great Animals of the Desert!
One of my nieces wants to be an artist, I love to help foster that in her
this would be ;fun for all of to work on
would be pretty and worth posting the picture on the wall
I would love to win this for my granddaughter
would be a fun thing for great grandma and great grandaughter to do together when zay spends the day with us
These would be interesting to get
We love to color with the grandkids!