The Children’s Book Review | September 30, 2019
Halloween is the perfect time to read books that empower kids. Here’s why…
One of the best parts about dressing up for Halloween is that kids get to experience the empowerment that comes from trying on new personas! Carole P. Roman’s Can a Princess Be a Firefighter? imparts this exact message by encouraging kids to pursue their dreams and to also try new things. Plus, it provides plenty of Halloween costume inspiration. The Halloween season is also a great time of year to explore fears through a little spooky storytelling or even becoming a spook yourself. Oh Susannah: Things That Go Bump gently explores fears and showcases how the unexpected can turn out to be exciting and fun—and it also has a great plot-twist ending we think you’re going to love!
PST and ends October 30, 2019, at 11:59 P.M. PST.
About the Books
Can A Princess Be A Firefighter?
Written by Carole P. Roman
Illustrated by Mateya Arkova
Two little girls pepper their father with questions about whether or not they can be a profession and still be a princess. Motivated by her granddaughter’s fascination with all things ‘princess,’ Carole P. Roman penned this adorable poem celebrating all the wonderful possibilities waiting ahead for them.
“Can a Princess Be a Firefighter? is an empowering picture book by award-winning author Carole P. Roman that encourages children to follow their dreams.”—The Children’s Book Review
Ages 3-7 | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | 2016 | 978-1530361847
Available Here:

Oh Susannah: It’s In The Bag
Written by Carole P. Roman
Illustrated by Mateya Arkova
Publisher’s Synopsis: From award-winning author, Carole P. Roman, comes a new chapter book featuring Susannah Logan, a young student having a very bad day. It all begins with homework trouble and an invitation to a sleepover that she doesn’t want to go to. Would you want to go to a sleepover in a creepy house? Rather than dealing with her problems, Susannah stuffs them into her backpack. But how much can a backpack take? Will she be able to confront her worries before the backpack bursts? Or will she just continue to hide them away? Join Susannah and her friends in this story sure to charm busy young readers everywhere.
Ages 7-10 | Publisher: Chelshire | April 3, 2017 | ISBN-13: 978-1543034615
Available Here:

Oh Susannah: Things That Go Bump
Written by Carole P. Roman
Illustrated by Mateya Arkova
Publisher’s Synopsis: Susannah Maya Logan is not having a good day. She doesn’t want to go to her best friend, Lola’s sleepover. Susannah thinks the house is big and spooky, not to mention the ghost that is said to live there. Lola’s big brother, Kai, loves to tease Susannah with scary stories. Throughout her day, she sees people deal with things that scare them. Her sight-impaired friend, Macy, is terrified of unicorns, of all things. She sees a boy at a party who’s frightened of clowns. Her teacher is afraid of getting a cold. Susannah realizes everybody is scared of something. She wishes she was more like Lola, who is not afraid of anything, or so it seems. Susannah discovers people have different ideas of what is scary and what is not, and only they can determine the difference. Join Susannah as she learns to confront her fears and not let her imagination prevent her from having fun.
Ages 7-10 | Publisher: Chelshire | July 11, 2017 | ISBN-13: 978-1947188136
Available Here:

About the Author

Carole P. Roman
Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of the nonfiction series of children’s books If You Were Me and Lived in…. The first title in the collection, If You Were Me and Lived in…Mexico won the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children’s Nonfiction in 2012. If You Were Me and Lived in…Russia and If You Were Me and Lived in…France were finalists in the Indie Fab Foreword Review Book of the Year. Norway and South Korea have also been named as Book of the Year with Rebecca’s Reads and Children’s Reader’s View Book of the Year. Roman has also found success with her Captain No Beard children’s books. Her debut, Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life, was named a Kirkus Best of 2012, received a Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award in 2012. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and very near her children. | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | Instagram
My daughter would love this!!She is going to be a princess for Halloween!!
My grandson, Jon, would love to have these books. He is 7 and an above average reader.
i’m excited because i bought a halloween themed cupcake kit
I have recently started reading to my 1 year old and these books would be perfect. Even her 13 year old sister and 11 year brother enjoys reading to her.
Great gifts for my kid
These books would be a great Christmas present for my niece.
Sorry, my tweet today is
These festive books really look and sound like the hold the child’s attention!!! I saw a really cute costume idea… mom, dad, and baby… dress like bags of ice. Get it, ICE ICE BABY!!!! It looks really cute in a picture! Perfect for a family with a little one!!!
My grandaughter would love the books
My grandaughter loves to read .
Halloween is our favorite season so this is very exciting!
I’d like to win these books for my niece and nephew because they love reading.
My sisters would love these books. We have other books by Carole P. Roman. They are great.
These books look so cute! We are thinking of dressing up as living statues
Such a cute bundle. Know a special girl who would love it.
my son will be sonic the hedgehog
I think my daughter would love these! We are dressing up as witches instead of princesses this year!
My niece would love these books.
Thanks for the contest.
We are planning on being Mr and Mrs Potato Head!
I would to win these books for my grandkids.
I’d love to win because the books sound amazing! This year we are going as the feelings from inside out.
I am a fan of Carole P. Roman.
My great nieces and nephew are discovering how much they love reading and I’m thrilled! They are so happy when Aunt Susan gives them books.
This looks like a great addition for the HAlloween library.
These look like fun books to read with the granddaughters.
I am always excited about Halloween. I have been trying to figure out what creepy kid food to make. So far, I am making mummy dogs and jello worms.
Halloween is our favorite holiday. My grandchildren would love it.
I’m excited to win this giveaway because I think these books would be amazing to read to my nieces and nephews! My niece Olivia would especially love them! Halloween is my husband’s favorite holiday (it’s my second, Christmas just can’t be beat!) and we go all out decorating with spooky decor.
I am excited to win this in order to give the books to my grandchildren and buy Xmas gifts.
My daughter would love these books!
The $100 would come in handy for Christmas, and the book would be a nice gift for my niece.
My nephew would love this!
The kids are dressing up as characters from Toy Story 4. We will have a Forky and a Buzz Lightyear
My Halloween costume idea is ‘Peggy Bundy’ from TV’s “Married…with Children”! Just use costume jewelry, a tacky top, stretch pants, high heels, and a wig for her signature hair! Don’t forget lots of makeup, and the walk!
I would love to win this book for my niece. She loves to read. I would use the Amazon to start my Christmas shopping.
How come it ended early? ends October 30, 2019, at 11:59 P.M. PST.
I am so excited about this giveaway as these are all books my daughter would love.