Year: 2013

Amanda Romine Lynch is a writer and blogger who grew up in Florida. When she isn’t writing about Anabel and Jared or chasing her children around, she blogs about raising her three beautiful boys and attempting to be friendly toward the environment in a world of disposable diapers over at her blog, The Semi-Organic Mom.

Julee Murphy is a teacher-librarian at the Early Childhood Development Center, a dual language elementary-middle school, and an Education Specialist at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. She actively advocates for literacy in her community through early reading intervention programs and is a member of many professional organizations that support reading.

My wife Rebecca and I have four sons, and as they grew up, bedtimes and long car trips and summer vacations were endlessly enriched by great writers and illustrators. Picking only five was tough, as our debt of gratitude extends to so many others as well.