Nancy Stewart sponsored the book giveaway of Me and the Missouri Moon in partnership with The Children’s Book Review.
Win a Signed Copy of Me and the Missouri Moon by Nancy Stewart!
Enter for a chance to win an autographed copy of this powerful middle-grade novel, where ten-year-old Scarlet faces an impossible choice between protecting a cherished friendship and standing up for the truth. Inspired by Maya Angelou’s legacy, this story explores how courage and honesty can transform lives.

Me and the Missouri Moon is a poignant, moving, and deeply captivating—a book readers won’t want to put down until the very last page.
Book Giveaway
Me and the Missouri Moon: Book GiveawayAbout the Book

Me and the Missouri Moon
Written by Nancy Stewart
Ages: 8-12 | 186 Pages
Publisher: Monarch Educational Services (2024) | ISBN: 978-1-957656-66-3
Publisher’s Book Summary: Scarlet Burnes just witnessed her daddy hit a bicyclist who goes careening down the embankment right into Cottonmouth Creek. Regardless of her pleas, her daddy won’t turn around. Instead, he threatens her because he doesn’t have any plans to go back to jail, and Scarlet doesn’t want to go away either. On the first day of fifth-grade, Scarlet has hope she’s finally met a friend since she’s now Blue Key to the new girl, Cricket. What she soon discovers could threaten to destroy the true friendship she’s found. When the police start to question the students to solve the crime, Scarlet just doesn’t know how much she can take. It might be the words of Maya Angelou that make a world of difference.
Will she be able to find her courage and turn her daddy in?
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About the Author
A graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, Nancy Stewart taught grade school and was a university professor of education, specializing in Children’s and Young Adult Literature. She was fortunate to have lived in London with her family for a number of years. Nancy has five published picture books, including One Pelican at a Time, which was featured in a PBS documentary. Her debut YA novel, Beulah Land, received First Place in the 2015 State of Florida Rising Kite Awards, through the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. The book was a finalist in the Forward Indies Book of the Year Awards. It was also one of the most anticipated books at Barnes & Noble in 2017.
A frequent speaker and presenter at writing conferences, Nancy conducts workshops, seminars, and school visits. A member of the Rate Your Story team, she critiques manuscripts for prospective authors. She, her husband, and their (adopted from the Missouri Ozarks) pup, Louie, live in Tampa, Florida.
I would tell Scarlet Perseverance wins success
I’d tell her: “Follow your heart and do the right thing.”
This sounds like a wonderful book! If I win it will be sent to my niece, an elementary school teacher who is always building up her classroom library.
My granddaughters would love this!
My niece would love this book.
If you always tell the truth, you don’t have to remember what you said!
be brave
Looks like a great book
Beautiful cover
If you tell the truth Scarlet you will feel better. It will relieve your aching heart.
An interesting book to read.
If you tell the truth Scarlet you will feel better. It will relieve your aching heart.
I would tell Scarlet that although sometimes the truth may hurt, it is always the smart thing to do because it’s the easiest thing to remember.
My grandson would love this book.
This sounds like a wonderful book!
Do you have any advice for new writers?
What time do you normally start writing?
I would give this cute adventure book to my grandson.
I love the cover!
A good book about friendship.
Who is your current favourite author? I’m listening to Stephen King’s From a Buick 8.
I’d tell Scarlet that the truth will set you free!
Did you like English class as a kid?
I’d tell Scarlet to do the right thing, and to listen to your heart.
What is your favourite holiday?
I love a middle grade book with characters who go through a journey and learn about themselves along the way.
What helps you do destress with your writing worries?
This sounds like a book I’d really enjoy reading.
What are you currently reading?
I would tell Scarlet that it may be hard to tell the truth right now, but that same truth will be easier later than if she kept quiet or told a half-truth or a lie. The truth is easier to carry over the long haul.
If you could eat or drink any creation from a book, which would it be?
I’d love to read this book!
Will you be writing during the Superbowl?
Who did you vote for in the Superbowl?
This book sounds like a wonderful story!
Did you read any Stephen king?
How old were you when you began to take writing seriously?
Scarlet sounds like an amazing character, would love to read this book!
How did you handle starting your book?
What was your favourite book series as a kid?
I’d love to gift this to my nieces
Is your desk chair comfortable, or is it time for a new one?
Do you ever feel like you’re getting nowhere with your writing? If so, what do you do?