The Children’s Book Review | February 12, 2015
About the Captain No Beard Series
Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life
Captain No Beard and his pirate ship The Flying Dragon set sail for a voyage of the imagination with his fearless crew of four: First Mate Hallie, Mongo the Monkey, Linus the loudmouthed lion, and Fribbit the floppy frog. Normally a young boy named Alexander, his cousin Hallie, and three stuffed animals, once they board his bed their world is transformed into a magical vessel, sailing the seven seas on dangerous and exciting adventures! Captain No Beard – An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life named to Kirkus Reviews’ BEST OF 2012 for Children’s Indie Books, and garnered the star of remarkable merit! “Roman charms with an imaginative,whimsical picture book that will entertain even the oldest pirates.” Kirkus Review
Pepper Parrot’s Problem with Patience
The crew of the Flying Dragon are sailing again. This time, new crewmember, Pepper Parrot is having a hard time keeping up with the drills. Captain No Beard and his mates join together to help Pepper achieve her goals with patience and tolerance.
Stuck in the Doldrums: A Lesson in Sharing
When the wind stops blowing, Captain No Beard and his crew, including First Mate Hallie, Linus the Lion, Fribbet the Frog, Mongo the Monkey and Polly the Parrot, are stuck on a desert island. Maroon with nothing to do, they begin to play and enjoy themselves. However, Captain No Beard has other ideas, bossing his crew around and making playtime cheerless for everyone. Soon, Captain No Beard decides he has had enough and storms off. When his ship is attacked by a giant squid, he realizes he needs his crew more than ever. Captain No Beard and his crew show young readers that’s it’s important to cooperate and share your belongings. The crew teaches us that if you want to have friends, then you must be a friend too.
Strangers on the High Seas
Captain No Beard and the crew of the Flying Dragon welcome a new crew member, when Cabin Girl Cayla joins the ship. Responsible for his little sister, Captain No Beard is not very happy because he finds his newest charge a distraction. When faced with danger, the captain must find a way to escape. While learning valuable lessons about strangers, the crew realized not to judge somebody because they are young or small. Strength comes in all sizes!
The Treasure of Snake Island
After a fierce battle with a storm, the crew goes in search of treasure. Alexander, that is, Captain No Beard uses a map to locate it on the ominous sounding Snake Island. Bravely they dig until they find the best treasure ever!
The Crew Goes Coconuts
There is a storm brewing on the Flying Dragon, and it’s not about the weather. When the crew finds themselves parched and not enough juice to go around, blame falls on Matie the goat, Hallie’s friend. Divided, they square off, ready for a fight and Captain No Beard must teach his crew that not only is bullying wrong, they must learn to value and respect each and every member of the crew. Watch the crew of the Flying Dragon learn an important lesson about being a true friend.
Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis
Captain No Beard and his crew of loyal pirates heave anchor for another adventure, this time in the icy waters of the Arctic. Captain No Beard’s steering a course due north, sailing by the light of the North Star. Everyone on the crew wonders what the captain’s up to, especially as he gets embarrassed when they ask. When the captain finally admits his plan, the crew discovers he plans to steal the aurora borealis, the beautiful northern lights that brighten the arctic sky. They’re all shocked. They may be pirates, but even they know stealing is bad. Besides, how can anyone steal the lights from the sky? A charming, engaging tale about doing what’s right, Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis is the latest installment in Carole P. Roman’s award-winning pirate series. The first book, Captain No Beard—an Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life, received the Kirkus Reviews Best of 2012 award and the Star of Remarkable Achievement. The series presents real-life problems in an imaginary setting and encourages discussion with both parents and educators.
Fribbet the Frog and the Tadpoles
Fribbet’s gone missing! The crew searches for the excitable frog and finally find him troubled and crying in the stern. Fribbet is very upset, and it’s up to Captain No Beard and the crew to find out what’s wrong. Fribbet the Frog and the Tadpoles is another great voyage into problem solving and friendship, as well as an adventurous trip into the imagination. Join the Captain No Beard and his friends as they learn the value of sharing our troubles with others and that help is always there when we need it.
Read The Children’s Book Review full review of Fribbet the Frog and the Tadpoles.
About the Author

Award winning author Carole P. Roman has added Fribbet the Frog and the Tadpoles based on changes in her own family. The happy grandmother is delighted with her growing brood. She lives on Long Island with her husband and very near her children and grandchildren- the inspiration for her books. | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest
Books help young readers expand their horizons to become tolerant open-minded adults!
They are great to help get conversations going about sharing.
I think they help their imagination thrive and grow.
Books help the young children in my life to identify with other kids, to experience different cultures, and to learn.
I know I’m repeating myself but…I just love the Captain No Beard series…from the first minute I saw it. The art work is so colorful and draws you into the stories. One of these days, I’m going to win this…I just keep trying. I have a new grandbaby now who’s coming along as the older one grows out of this age group.
love this author. I would love to share this with my nephews.
Books help stimulate imagination and conversation in children
Helped my son become a big brother twice
Books have helped my Children over come fears of new things & also teaching them responsibilities.
Book have helped my young readers to broaden their minds, learn compassion, help birth such wonderful creativity.
Books can start conversations and take you to new places. It helps to expand the imagination.
Eric Carle’s spider related books helped my granddaughter to understand about spiders.
Corrected e-mail addreas: rizzoli566[at]outlook[dot]com. — sorry
My daughter’s have used many books to help in many ways. Like being the older ibling, what Heaven means, and different cultures and the difference in our lives. Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol L
All of our children were encouraged to read and are excellent in English and writing.
Who doesn’t love pirates?
I read books to my son that discuss feelings to help him understand his own feelings.
I always had many books for my sons growing up, and now they read to their own children
They are great for starting conversations about having a baby, going on a trip, starting school, getting a pet..we have used books for all of these listed and more when talking with our kids.
Good books to have and to give my grandchildren, all with lesson of some sort that they benefit from.
I love to share books about siblings with my kinder-bears. This year, we have five new babies coming. We’ve heard lots of stories, both fiction and nonfiction, but the one thing we are learning is how special it is to be a role model.
I currently have been using books to help my daughter to learn to get along with others & how to handle her big feelings. I always like to use books as a teaching tool.
Reading is such an essential part of life, so loving to read must start early, and loving to read begins with books that are written and illustrated well, with fun stories that stretch the imagination or touch the heart strings or make a child think. My five kids are now raising their kids and as a grandma, I love sharing a book still, holding a grandkid on my lap and laughing with them over an adventure.
I believe that reading any childrens book allows kids to believe in anything. It allows their imagination run wild & opens the door to endless possibilities! Reading helps a child understand the wide variety of culture, kindness & hope
They taught them a love of reading.
books have helped my kids learn and experience and all kinds of stories places characters and helped them learn more then the level of reading in school
I agree with the comments shown. Books are the open road to enlightenment at any age. Understanding other cultures and how they live can bring the world closer to understanding and acceptance.
Books helped my daughter learn baker becoming a big sister!!
Books help them broaden their perspectives and takes them to places they’d never otherwise visit.
Books really helped my daughter with potty training.
I have used books on sharing to teach students this skill. Great way to communicate to kids