Growing Readers: Learning to Love Reading and Writing Column 35
This editorial article was written by Lizzie Mussoline, M. Ed.
Improve your child’s writing skills by spreading Happiness
The Children’s Book Review
In the seemingly never-ending onslaught of bad news, we thought we’d use this post to share some tips on spreading love, kindness, and compassion. And since it is summer, this is a great opportunity to keep kids’ writing skills exercised and sharp.
Send a Love and Kindness Note to Practice Writing Skills
Snail mail may be old-fashioned, but an unexpected letter is the best kind of mail to receive!

Incorporate some crafting and art making into this simple letter-writing activity. Have your kiddos create fun greeting cards or stationery. They can add their personal touches with doodles, stickers, or whatever they might have on hand. Encourage them to use their beautiful handmade stationery to send love and spread kindness to others. They could send mail to:
- Friends
- Family members
- A new Pen Pal: find one through the fantastic Peaceful Pen Pal Program
- Here is an excellent resource for writing letters to a penpal
- Seniors at local retirement communities
- Neighbors
- Local leaders: what problem do you see that you would like to address?
- Community helpers (firefighters, nurses, doctors, etc.)
- U.S. Service Members: Check out Operation Gratitude for more details!
- Deployed troops
- Veterans
- Recruit graduates (someone who just finished Boot Camp and is going to serve our country for the next four years)
- First responders
- Wounded heroes
- Caregivers (someone who cares for a wounded hero)
Write it Out – Journal
Perhaps you have stuck to your journaling habit, or perhaps not! If you have not, summer is a perfect time to pick the habit back up.

When your child claims they are bored, encourage them to write! The silliest, funniest, and most creative journal responses are often written in moments of boredom. Had an awesome summer adventure? Write about it! Are you feeling emotional? Write about it! Have an idea for an awesome book you want to create—now is the time! Feeling discouraged about the state of the world? Write about what you would do to change it or help fix it.
Journaling is the perfect way to keep writing throughout the summer and keep those brains engaged and hearts open.
Read a book about Activism and…Write About It!
The Children’s Book Review has sourced many excellent books about Activism for kids—they are guaranteed to teach and inspire kids of all ages. Check out our recommendations here and head to the library or local bookstore. Read one and ask your child to write about what they learned, what they might be feeling, and what they may be called to do. Help your child brainstorm some action steps that will help them channel all they learned to speak up and out for others.

Here are a few of our personal favorites:
Say Something by Peter Reynolds
A Garden to Save the Birds by Wendy McClure and Beatriz Mayumi
Change Sings by Amanda Gorman and Loren Long
Michelle’s Garden by Sharee Miller
We Are Still Here by Traci Sorell & Frame Lessac
A Vote is a Powerful Thing by Catherine Stier and Courtney Dawson
Thank you for reading the Growing Readers: Learning to Love Reading and Writing column. Bookmark this Growing Readers Column link or subscribe to our e-newsletter so you do not miss out on the monthly reading tips. How to Practice Writing Skills and Spread More Happiness was written by Lizzie Mussoline, M. Ed.—follow her on Instagram: @wildflower_learning_denver.