Review sponsored* by Carole P. Roman
The Children’s Book Review | February 28, 2017
If You Were Me and Lived In … Germany: A Child’s Introduction to Culture Around the World
Written by Carole P. Roman
Illustrated by Kelsea Wierenga
Age Range: 5-8
Paperback: 36 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 2, 2017)
ISBN: 978-1539135944
What to expect: Germany, Culture, History, Geography, Social Studies, Travel
Award-winning author Carole P. Roman takes readers to northeastern Europe to see what it’s like to live in Germany in this latest installment in her famed travel series.
Readers will learn about many different aspects of Germany and German culture, such as, where the word Germany comes from and how to say Deutschland, which is how Germans call their country. Readers will visit the capital, Berlin, and get a sense of what it looks like and the kind of things that take place there. There is a little history about the wall that used to divide Berlin after World War II and examples of German names like Maximillian or Emilia. Local activities include bike rides through the countryside, visiting a famous German castle, and spending some euros on ice cream with Oma and Opa—all the while learning some German vocabulary. And, of course, readers will take a trip to Munich for the great festival known as Oktoberfest and to sample German delicacies, such as a hot brezel.
Roman, as she always does in this series, includes plenty of entertaining highlights: trains, cuckoo clocks, watching some “fussball,” and eating some delicious food—anyone for some wiener schnitzel? Yum! The factual text is blended with plenty of moments where readers are invited into the page. For example, she encourages the reader to sniff the air and take in the scent of hot food. The digital illustrations that are displayed over photographs offer a great blend too—the photographs show reality and the overlaying illustrations provide kid-centric appeal. The artwork helps readers to feel the climate and visualize the places of interest. The glossary of words at the end of the book is also a helpful tool.
Carole P. Roman has put together another great installment to her culture series that is inspiring young readers to be part of a larger global community. Grab yourself an oversized pretzel and read If You Were Me and Lived In … Germany.
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About Carole P. Roman
Carole P. Roman
Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of the Captain No Beard series. Both Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life and Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis have received the Kirkus Star of Exceptional Merit. The first book in the series was named to Kirkus Reviews Best 2012. Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis has been named to Kirkus Reviews Best of 2015. Each book in the series has won numerous awards including the NABE Pinnacle Award, IAN Award, Moonbeam Award 2014, National Indie Excellence Award Finalist, Shelf Media Outstanding Series Award, ForeWord Review Five Star and Finalist in the Book of the Year, and Reader’s Views Children’s Book of the Year 2013. Roman is also the author of the award-winning non-fiction culture series, If You Were Me and Lived in… that explores customs and cultures around the world. She has co-authored a self help book, Navigating Indieworld: A Beginners Guide to Self-Publishing and Marketing. She lives on Long Island with her husband and near her children and grandchildren. | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest
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