Sometimes shadows can look a bit scary, but if you take a closer look, you will see that they are actually quite silly.
Silly Shadows
Written by Lyndsay Whitlock
Illustrated by Savana Ellison
Publisher’s Synopsis: Sometimes shadows can look a bit scary, but if you take a closer look, you will see that they are actually quite silly.
While reading this book, your kiddo will see that shadows aren’t always what they seem. What looks to be monsters turn into little silly snakes, smart-looking sharks, and sleeping kittens. This book can be read or even sang with your littles at bedtime. There is even a diagram of how to make shadow puppets is in the back of the book for further exploration and imagination. This is a fun book that brings parents and children together at night with a fun sing-songy tune and some shadow puppets.

Ages 0-6 | Publisher: Whitlock Publishing | ISBN: 978-1735290201
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About the Author
Lyndsay Whitlock began her writing adventure writing science fiction romance novels under L.H. Whitlock. She lives in Colorado with her husband, Joe, and daughter, Hayley, and two rescue pups. She loves to explore life through her daughter’s eyes and loves the whimsical way children look at life. This book is an adaption of a song we sing at bedtime. | | |
Bedtime routines are an important part of getting ready for a good night’s sleep and reading together is a great addition to the routine.
Bedtime stories help the the children relax and settle down while listening to or reading a bedtime story. I know mine when they were little always fell asleep before I was finished reading. Even though they swore they weren’t even tired.
Bedtime stories are an important part of a healthy nighttime routine
Both my great niece and great great nephew would love this book. I want both of them to be readers so I am always finding books for them
Bedtime stories are a tradition and most of all fun.
Love bedtime stories! They set the mood and have become a part of the ‘sleep’ routine at our home. The children love any type of book and would enjoy this book. Thansk you
Love to win this.
I would love to surprise my daughter with this as a betime story. So excited for this chance! Thanks for another awesome review!
A wonderful book perfect for the little ones. Bedtime stories are important and beautiful.
Great gift
My son would love learning to make shadow puppets!
I think bedtime stories are so great because it is a nice way to spend some wonderful time reading to your child.
Bed time stories are awesome, It is a time to calm down and bond with your child. I would love to read this story to my girl.
I would love this so I could read it to my son
I have to grandkids that would love this! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
I would love to win this gift card, because both my daughters love to read and I can’t get enough books for them. I would use this gift card to buy all the books that they want. It would be a huge help!
The kids love books and both have the reading bug. We used to read stories to them every night but now they can read this reading level book to us! They would have fun with this one!
We love bedtime stories! They are a great part of a bedtime routine.
My grandson loves to be read to especially at bedtime and I love to oblige.
Bedtime stories are great because they become a family tradition. They show children that their grown ups love them and love reading and books. Bedtime stories help children calm down for a good night’s sleep.
Would love to add this to our library!
This looks like a super fun bedtime story! My son loves sharks and my other kids love reading!
Bedtime stories are great because it makes kids excited to go to bed vs dreading it!
Bedtime stories are so soothing, especially these days!
I would love to win this so I could gift it to my nephew. I think he would love this book! It’s his birthday on Christmas so I have to get him something special! 😍
I have a great grand daughter that would enjoy these stories.
I would love to win this for my nephew.
My grandkids would love it.
I love reading to my grandson and with the gift card we can buy more books.
I think reading bedtime stories are a special time to bond with your child. It’s also a time when the child’s mind can focus on the storyline. In the meantime, their minds can slow done, and relax enough to close their eyes. I usually had my kids say their prayers before they were read a story. Thank you for the opportunity to win this awesome giveaway!
We always “need” more books in our house, even if they don’t lead to falling asleep! 🙂
Books are my favorite things! I love to read them and read them to someone! Child or an adult!
A book I would love to read to my grandchildren. I make hand shadows on the wall for play with them.
This looks adorable.
bed time stories are a good end of the day
I would love to read this fun bedtime book and share it with my nieces/nephews too.
My children love having stories read to them at bedtime! It’s very comforting to them!
I would like to win this because it sounds like a fun book and I always like to get new books. I think bedtime stories are great because they help everybody wind down for the night and get ready to sleep. Bedtime stories also teach listening skills and helping to develop one’s imagination.
this would be gift to grand kid and the goodies are great
My daughter and I love storytime and read as much as possible! 😀
Bedtime stories are the perfect way for a child and parent to bond at the end of the day.
I think bedtime stories are great because they help us drift off to sleep while thinking of the story.
This sounds like an awesome fun read. My nieces and grandson would love this.
i would love to scare with my kids.
I have grandchildren that would love this,,i love reading bedtime stories to my kids and grandkids,,i think it gives them a time to relax their body and minds
I love reading to my Grandson. Bedtime is a special time to enjoy a nice book.
I would love it for all my kids.
Bedtime stories are great because they give kids a chance to wind down from the day.
I’d love to win to have another bedtime book for our daughter! Stories are so important to spark the imagination.
Bedtime stories allow us to take some time to just wind down and be with each other!
Bedtime stories are one of the most special bonding times you can experience with your child. I loved reading to my children, and now to my granddaughter.
I think that my grandson would love this book!
He loves to have books read to him during any time of the day.
Being a former teacher I know how important reading to your children are also reading at bedtime is so good as they soak up so much and are listening if not repeating what you are saying. My grandgirls are 1 and 3 and the older on makes funny things on the wall with her hands as her dad has taught so while he is reading she is making funny shadows so they is perfect for her. I loved reading to my kids, to my kids in the class and whenever the kids come over we have story time . What a wonderful book to put out and i would love to review on a few sites also. Thank you.
Bedtimes stories are a great way to spend calm meaningful moments with a child (or even an adult). It has the added benefit of having a child sit still long enough for sleep to catch up so that they can fall asleep naturally without all the drama and fuss of bedtime woes!
When I would read to my boys when they were little they would dream about it that night. They would tell me about it the next morning.
I love bedtime stories and always loved reading to my children. It’s a special time to spend with little ones, cuddling and reading together. Now, I also get to read bedtime books to my grandchild.
My four grandkids love bedtime stories and this one sounds perfect for them! Thanks for the chance to win!
Bedtime story telling time is one of the best family bonding moments!
I would love to win this giveaway for my daughter. She loves books and bedtime stories.
Kids feel so special when they are given a book. It’s the best gift that this grandma has even given. Always rewards.
Bedtime stories help kids and adults have fun and relax before going to sleep. We especially like spooky stories.
Such a fun and slightly nostalgic book! I can see myself cuddling and snuggling with my kids reading this then playing around with shadow puppets.
I don’t remember my parents reading to me at bedtime but I ended up a reader. That doesn’t mean I don’t think reading at bedtime isn’t important. I wish they had. Not only is it spending time with your children, it’s bonding time and something your child remember. You’re getting them interested in reading and opening up their imaginations.
Thank you so very much for the chance to win this incredibly generous giveaway!!! ❤
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