The Golden Imaginarium, a sequel to Hither and Nigh, takes the surreal and magical elements of its prequel to new heights, offering a captivating experience.
Browsing: Fantasy
In our latest podcast episode, Polly Holyoketakes us on a magical journey through the world of her enchanting middle-grade fantasy series, Skyriders.
From a child to a graduate setting off into the world, each and every reader will find something relatable within the pages of Stardust: A Journey to Remember.
In the chapter book Grammy’s Treasure Hunt, readers will discover how the impact of the choices we make in life can shape outcomes for better or worse.
The Three Stones of Ebon is well-written, exciting, and absorbing, perfect for middle-grade and pre-teen lovers of fantasy adventure.
In this captivating interview, David Mello delves into the enchanting world of the novel co-written with Keiko Mello, The Three Stones of Ebon.
Star Life Keepers is a fast-paced and exciting adventure that blends fantasy, science fiction, and adventure into a novel about courage and teamwork.
Istara’s Tale by Ars Nipun is a delightful new novel, perfect for younger pre-teens and teens stretching their fantasy wings.
J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan has stood the test of time as a whimsical and enchanting tale, weaving together the innocence of childhood with perpetual youth.
C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling—the tale remains a cherished classic.