The Children’s Book Review | November 16, 2018
The Children’s Book Review: Which five words best describe The Little Guides to Great Lives?
Isabel Thomas: Inspirational true stories for everyone.
Can you share one highlight from any book in the series?
Hannah Warren’s illustration of the moment when Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison (Nelson Mandela, page 42 to 43). It’s an outline drawing of Dennis Goldberg the moment he called out: “Life! To live!” Along with the pared back text, it has exactly the emotional impact I was hoping for. We wanted readers to feel and connect with these stories, not just observe them.
What has been the best reaction from a reader, so far?
I spoke about the books to several hundred children at a school’s festival in London, along with Marianna Madriz, illustrator of the beautiful Frida Kahlo title. At the very end of the day, a little boy came up to me and said, “Please tell me the part again about what I should do if people tell me I can’t do something?”
My answer is woven through all of the Little Guides: Ignore them and do it anyway.
Why do you think history books are an important part of a child’s home library?
I’m so happy that with this series, Laurence King gave me and the illustrators the opportunity and space to tell the whole story behind each of these great lives. Not just the achievements and accolades, but the challenges faced, and the obstacles overcome.
Full-length biographies are important because they show children that you don’t have to be the brainiest, bossiest or most beautiful person in the room to achieve amazing things. If you’re curious, keep doing what you love, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes and stand up for what you believe in – we’re all capable of living a great life and changing the world for the better.

For your writing energy: sugar or salt, tea or coffee?
Coffee always and forever! We recently invested in a coffee machine and my perfect dose for writing is three espressos a day, at 8 am, 9.20 am and 1 pm!
Writing tools: computer, pen and paper, or all of the above?
Definitely the computer, though I keep a pen and paper next to my bed. I seem to have my best ideas and solve tricky edits in the first few minutes after laying down at night. I also have a huge file of scraps of paper with scribbled ideas, literal back-of-the-envelope stuff. So maybe I should say pen and paper for the generative phase of writing, and computer for the hard part: researching, refining and editing!
What’s on your nightstand? Any books?
That pen and paper! Usually balanced on abandoned coffee cups, strange objects made by my children, and a dusty pile of books that I’m definitely going to read if I get time…
Can you tell us something that even your most loyal fans may not know about you?
My strength, my inspiration, my work ethic all come from my mother, Merlin, who raised me and my two sisters on her own. She died when I was in my mid-20s, and it meant the world to be able to dedicate a picture book to her this year.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
This quote, which appears in Little Guides to Great Lives: Marie Curie:
“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.”
Little Guides to Great Lives
Written by Isabel Thomas
Illustrated by Various Artists
Publisher’s Synopsis: Little Guides to Great Lives is a brand new series of small-format guides introducing children to the most inspirational figures from history in a fun, accessible way. From Curie to Kahlo and Darwin to Da Vinci, Little Guides to Great Lives tells the stories of the most amazing people from all over the world and across history, with colorful illustrations and fresh design to bring their incredible stories to life.
Ages 8-12 | Publisher: Laurence King Publishing
Available Here:

About The Author
Isabel Thomas is the author of the Little Guides to Great Lives series from Laurence King Publishing. She lives in Cambridge, England.
What a wonderful way to introduce the young children to our history.. Always enjoy the speed interviews.
Thanks, Carol! We always enjoy your comments! 😉
I love these! My 8 year old daughter is going to need them all. Good thing Christmas is right around the corner! I just picked up the Benjamin Birdie Series for my 5 year old, even though I know my 8 year old will love them too. Michael Dotsikas is the author. I can’t rave enough about this collection. It’s simply enchanting. The adults and the children will love these titles! I learned more about the author here, Thank you again for this post, I can’t wait to read these with my girls!
So fun! Thanks for sharing and for growing readers!
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