Erika Mayfield | The Children’s Book Review | December 28, 2014
If You Were Me and Lived in … Hungary: A Child’s Introduction to Cultures Around the World
Age Range: 5-8
Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 17, 2014)
ISBN-13: 978-1500483722
What to expect: Hungary, Places, Language, Food, Culture, Sports
Carol P. Roman’s If You Were Me and Lived in … Hungary: A Child’s Introduction to Cultures Around the World is the thirteenth in her series briefly introducing young readers to our world’s diverse cultures. Here readers learn about Hungary as a country “… landlocked in Central Europe …” along with interesting geographic, scientific, and cultural facts.
Roman will engage students interested in unusual facts as they learn why Hungary’s city Budapest is uncommon and actually comprised of three cities split by the Danube River.
Those students whose curiosity is aroused by the sciences, especially geology, will find interesting information regarding the abundance of caves containing a wealth of stalagmite formations. They will also learn about other natural features making Hungary a bit atypical compared to other Central European countries.
Readers will enjoy reading about Hungarians’ favorite vacation spots and should be inspired to reminisce about their own favorite vacations. Moreover, any reader who has ever heard and/or played with a Rubik’s cube will be fascinated to find a Hungarian professor invented this challenging puzzle.
Children’s and familial names, toys, and favorite foods are again incorporated in this book helping student’s easily visualize the Hungarian words and their corresponding object. For example, shopping and paying for a doll includes the Hungarian words for doll and what one would use to pay for this purchase. The related illustrations further reinforce the concept. As with other books in this series, Roman emphasizes basic identifications of some common conversational words with a phonetic pronunciation key following each Hungarian word. The glossary is diverse with three pages of pronunciations.
As usual, Roman does an excellent job of presenting facts and engaging young readers in this newest addition to her series. If You Were Me and Lived in … Hungary: A Child’s Introduction to Cultures Around the World is a great choice for elementary grade readers and will prove useful as a foundation for further classroom or home discussions.
Add this book to your collection: If You Were Me and Lived in … Hungary: A Child’s Introduction to Cultures Around the World, by Carole P. Roman
Enter to win a full autographed set of the If You Were Me series, by award-winning author Carole P. Roman. Giveaway ends January 21, 2014, at 11:59 P.M. PST.
About the Author

Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of the much-lauded children’s book Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life. Passionate about writing for young readers, she enjoys every opportunity to introduce young minds to the fascinating world that awaits them by expertly infusing fun stories with quality learning. Her experience as a former social studies teacher is wonderfully apparent in the engaging and educational travel books she writes for young readers. Now with more than ten books in her popular If You Were Me and Lived in… series, she’s beginning to rake in the accolades from ForeWord Reviews, Reader Views, and Rebecca’s Reads, as well as winning NABE Pinnacle awards for multiple titles. Roman and her husband live on Long Island, New York, in close proximity to their children. | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest
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