The Children’s Book Review | November 21, 2014
Age Range: 6-12
Paperback: 81 pages
About Snow Valley Heroes, A Christmas Tale
Publisher’s Synopsis: Long, long ago, there were no dogs on planet Earth. It was during that time that two of Santa’s reindeer went missing and there could be no Christmas.
Far out in space is the Planet of the Dogs. Dogs have always lived there in peace and happiness.
When the dogs learned that there would be no more Christmas, they came down to planet earth to challenge the King of the North, free the reindeer from the Ice Castle, and save Christmas for children everywhere.

Ages 6-12 | Publisher: Barking Planet Productions | August 2008 | ISBN-13: 9780978692827
About the Author
Robert McCarty is a producer/writer/director of films and videos on subjects ranging from teenage lifestyles to race relations. His short film, Rooftops Of New York, was nominated for an Academy Award. He is a former adjunct instructor at Teacher’s College, Columbia University and at the School Of Visual Arts, New York City. Planet Of The Dogs was inspired by the many stories made up for his four children and seven grandchildren. |
About the Illustrator
Stella Mustanoja McCarty, who illustrated the books, taught painting and drawing for over 30 years at the Vantaa, Finland, Art School. She graduated as a painting major from the Art Academy of Finland and also holds degrees from the University of Helsinki in Education and Sociology and Social Policy.
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Carol L
Congrats to these 3 lucky winners: Pat S., John T., Evie H.! You’ll each be receiving a book soon. Enjoy!