Tame Your Manners at K.A.M.P.™ Safari
By Loretta Neff; Illustrated by Anirban Mitra
Paperback: 36 pages
Age Range: 8-12
Publisher: AuthorHouse(March 18, 2014)
ISBN: 978-1491829837
What to expect: Social Graces, Manners, Etiquette
We all know it’s a jungle out there, so it might be time to head to K.A.M.P. (Kids’ Animals & Manners Program)! Using wild animals and their traits as examples on how to and how not to behave in social and home settings, author Loretta Neff provides kids with an enjoyable and humorous approach to improving manners and etiquette and creating relatable experiences that put the lessons of social graces into perspective—including bullying.

“Don’t be a wild, loud laughing hyena …
unless doing so won’t disturb others!”
Here is a glimpse at what is covered: giving and receiving, table manners, confidence, poise, respect for self and others, graciousness, and sportsmanship.

The illustrations and format will appeal to the younger readers and the short paragraphs and bullet points make the information digestible for everyone. While some kids will plow right through this book, others will need to take it one digestible chapter at a time. Parents, caregivers and teachers that read along will even get some subtle reminders and useful tidbits to put into practice; and they can add some extra fun to the learning experience by providing opportunities to practice the lessons from the book—such as hosting a dinner party for safari animals.

This is an educational tool that children will enjoy reading on their own or in a group setting being led by a teacher. Thank you, Loretta Neff, for providing a well-written and entertaining resource that teaches important life skills.
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About the Author

Loretta Neff is president of the Elegant Way School of Protocol, a boutique etiquette firm represented in Fort Lauderdale, Naples, and West Palm Beach, Florida. She was accepted to Thomas Cooley Law School at Michigan State University, but never attended, having found her real passion to be philanthropy through teaching the social graces.
While living in Cleveland, Ohio, Loretta joined a private club, and it was there that she was first invited to teach dinner manners and social graces to children of other members. From that early experience, referrals segued over the years to postponement of law school and a thriving career and a driving mission.
Loretta remains committed to the advancement of numerous charities, societies, and educational foundations, and has taken her philanthropy to another level with the formation of the Elegant Way Foundation, a nonprofit organization intended to provide resources and training in social skills to other charities, missions, and schools as part of its mission.
For more information, visit: www.tameyourmanners.com
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