Review sponsored* by Íeda Jónasdóttir Herman
The Children’s Book Review | June 16, 2017
Viking Kids Don’t Cry
Written by Íeda Jónasdóttir Herman
Age Range: 8-12
Paperback: 152 pages
Publisher: Hekla Publishing LLC (April 3, 2017)
ISBN: 978-0998281681
What to expect: Scandinavian Folklore, Family, Loss, Fears, and Growing-Up
Viking Kids Don’t Cry is a middle grade novel that will have readers exploring Icelandic myths (trolls and Hidden people), fears, loss, and the challenges of growing up. It chronicles the family chores that young Didda partakes in and the adventures she has in 1935. Didda’s vivid imagination is center stage in this coming-of-age story as she describes a summer trip in which she travels by boat to stay with her dear grandparents.
The author has provided many characters that propel Didda’s story along, including her sisters, Sissi and Lilla. Didda, the most developed of the characters, is a spirited girl that often finds herself on the receiving end of loving scorn from family members. She has an inner strength that shines through in all of the right moments. Readers will surely admire her.
The setting will also sweep readers away. It is the backdrop that, more often than not, holds the magic of this story. The ocean, fog, fjords, landmarks that represent trolls, and the chill in the air are all well described for readers, enabling them to paint their own picture of the areas where Didda and her family live and travel.
Readers that enjoy more traditional tales, such as Laura Ingalls Wilder’s “Little House Books”, and stories that embody magical realism, will certainly be swept up by this gently weaved saga steeped in folklore and the Icelandic frontier.
Available Here:
About the Author

A native of Iceland, Ieda Jonasdottir spent her first 19 years immersed in the Scandinavian culture, growing up with the stories of Hidden People, trolls, and her Vikings ancestors through the Sagas. She married an American, raised a family, and after retiring, she began writing short stories and full length books, sharing the Icelandic culture and mythology. Ieda enjoys conducting seminars and presentations on Iceland, attending Scandinavian events, and sharing her knowledge of the country and history. She visits Iceland each year, in between her speaking and writing schedule and enjoys spending time with her 10 children, 16 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 4 great-great grandchildren. | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
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